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The members looked at each other, everyone but Yugyeom making meaningful eye contact to suggest that no one proposed something that Yugyeom wouldn't enjoy.

"I'm good with anything." Youngjae said, rather unhelpfully.

"Yeah..." Jackson said, attempting to help, "I don't know, what do you want to do, Yugyeom?"

"Oh...I don't really know...since we have to save energy maybe we could watch tv...but it's whatever you guys want to do..." Yugyeom said nervously, not used to being directly asked for his opinion on group activities.

"Great idea! Let's watch that drama you've been talking about!" Bambam shouted, jumping up to grab the remote.

"I'll go get my mattress to put on the floor, move the table Youngjae!" Jackson yelled, rushing off down the hallway.

Jinyoung hid his mouth behind his hand to chuckle at the boys. So much for subtlety.

"Oh...ok." Yugyeom muttered, rather startled as he tucked his legs up underneath him on the couch so that he wouldn't get hit in Youngjae's rush to move the coffee table.

"I'll get the movie snacks." Jaebum said, moving from the armchair.

"But hyung we don't have any...." Yugyeom started but was cut off as Jackson returned with a yell and threw the mattress onto the ground at the foot of the couch. Jb casually sauntered back in and dropped the convenience store bag full of Yugyeom's favorite junk foods onto the mattress.

"...snacks" Yugyeom finished.

"What, I was hungry." Jaebum shrugged dismissively.

Yugyeom looked around at all of the boys rushing around to get ready to start the drama and realized how weird it was because they HATED watching his dramas. And then he saw the reflection of the Christmas lights in the TV and was reminded of how strange it was that Jinyoung prepared such a nice meal for them this morning. And then his gaze returned to the bag of JB's snacks and realized that they were all of HIS favorite foods. JB didn't even like them! "Okay, what's going on here?" Yugyeom demanded, silencing all of the boys in the midst of their scurrying. Youngjae even froze halfway bent over in the act of helping Jackson situate blankets and pillows on the mattress. The younger boys slowly let their eyes drift over to Jinyoung.

"Aish, good job you guys." Jaebum said sarcastically.

"Hey you weren't Mr. Sly Fox yourself, what with your bag full of Yugyeom snacks!" Bambam yelled back defensively, and the promptly slapped a hand over his mouth.

"Bambam you've ruined it!" Jackson accused, punching the younger boy on the shoulder.

"Ruined what? What's going on?" Yugyeom urged.

"Ah..." Jinyoung sighed with resign, rubbing the back of his neck, "I guess we weren't as natural as we wanted to be....but....we are trying to make today special for you." Jinyoung slowly lifted his eyes to meet his maknae's.

"Oh." Yugyeom said and then looked around the room again. Oh. That explained their strange behavior. That explained why they were making themselves do all of these things that they probably didn't even want to do. OH. This must have something to do with confessing his feelings to his hyungs last night. He felt his cheeks flush as he was overcome with embarrassment and guilt. "I'm...going to the restroom." He muttered and quickly stood up, nearly tripping over the mattress in his hurry to escape the room. He practically ran to the bathroom and locked the door behind him. He pressed his back against the door and let out quick heavy breaths. Oh God. He hit his forehead with the base of his palm, silently cursing himself for opening up. Now they were going to pretend to like him, which was far, far worse than being ignored. Yugyeom caught sight of himself in the mirror and his face had turned an angry red. I can't go back out there he thought, the prospect making his throat tighten with anxiety. WhatdoIdowhatdoIdowhatdoIdo

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