A True Pirate ( Pirate!England x Mikki/Reader ) ( Hetalia )

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Before you start, the picture is for the story! The mini gold telescope! I have one, and thought it'd go good with the story. It's also a part of my other pirate story! But more important in this one!

Mikki here, with another "x Mikki/Reader"! This is my SECOND Pirate!England x Mikki/Reader story (the other being "How Cliché"). My first Pirate!England story is basically the cliché stories of England as a pirate and some captured person (the reader) doing stuff, then falling in love or something soon after the reader gets raped or willingly gives themselves to the pirate.


It will have the whole 'nasty' scene or whatever you like to call it, mainly because, well, that's how pirates were: They raped, stole your things, kidnapped you, and killed you. They'd either kill the women (or men) after raping them, or they'd leave them at the next port. Yeah, not a very happy real-life ending, huh? This one WILL have that, however it will be in a seperate chapter, so you can skip over it. You won't miss any of the important parts! I don't mind if you skip over it at all! I probably won't do very well with it, anyway. Heh...

The title is "A True Pirate" because it is the real things pirates did, not what the fanfictions say, however it will have a bit of a twist (maybe, if you'd call it that). SO ENJOY MY BELOVED READERS!

A True Pirate ( Pirate!England x Mikki/Reader ) ( Hetalia )Where stories live. Discover now