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Chapter two, Yay! Told through scarlet’s point of view.

I opened my eyes to a cold, bright white room, the pungent smell of latex and chemicals struck me so hard and quick I almost choked. Everything was more vibrant than usual, and the heart monitor was so loud it shook my entire body, with every beep my muscles awakened letting me feel the full extent of what they had done to me. “What did they do to me?” then someone walked in, “how do you feel?” she said, “I’m very excited! You are the first earthen to ever go through the procedure!” I stared at her in shock; she wore a lab coat, her red hair was pulled back into a tight, neat bun, and she was telling me to open my mouth.

“Who are you? What’s with your hair? And what did you do to me?” I yelled, but my voice was so hoarse it came out as a stern whisper.

“Oh, my name is Dr. Valshiner, I looked over you surgeries and you were phenomenal!” she answered, “Sorry about the hair, your hair is so pretty I just had to try it.” She gave me a wicked smile. “Um, can you open your mouth now or do I have to make you.” She looked at me sternly. I opened my mouth, but first running my tongue over my teeth. I poked something sharp. She looked at my teeth, “looks good, your gums are sore I presume?” she asked me looking worried.

“A little, why are they sore?” I said while watching her tap on her port screen.

“We removed all of your teeth to make room for your implants.” She said without even giving me a sideways glance. “My teeth?”

“What did you do to me?” I said louder and more forcefully.

“Why you’re the first earthen wolf hybrid of course. Exciting i know.” I froze. “Wolf hybrid!”

“You’ve been assigned to be princess winters pet and guard.” She said looking at me with worry, most likely for the princess.

“Why me?” after a second of no answer, I realized I wasn’t specific enough, “why am I being her guard?”

“She asked for you.” She said. Then two more people walked in. “these men are her to take you to her. Also don’t try to run they have orders to kill if necessary. I would not want to lose my most precious experiment”

During the days of being the princess’s guard I realized that she wasn’t like the other lunars she did not want to use her glamour. And that, that choice was making her insane, our agenda for today was play doctor, dress up,  and have a tea party. Until  i herd someone drop to the ground, i stood, then i herded winter to the corner. she stared at me.  "wheres Jacin?" she asked. i looked at her and gave her a hug. I sniffed the air, their was a familiar scent.

"i'm have to protect you, corect?" she nodded "I need you to do what i say, OK." she nodded again. "we are going to act like we are still playing dress up for our tea we did not notice." she nodded a single tear caressed her face i wiped it away and we sat down, and she started putting make-up on me. then the door was knocked down. 

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