Only dreams

12 4 2

I have began to think of a future,

But I have been told that it is bothersome for others

For me to want to have one.

I have dreams!

Just like anyone.

Of a world...

Where I am important and matter to others.

My wish is to help others.

Can I end my dreams of the future

Because it is what other people want.

A sea of turmoil and emotions drown me

Crushing my bones,

Squeezing the air out of my lungs.

Desparate for breath

I want to scream.

Can I be selfish for once in my life?

There are so many barriers preventing me from accomplishing them.

Even though I am legally old enough to vote,

To drink alcohol and to make legal decisions for myself,

The government will not let me do what I want without my parents signature

Which my parents refuse to give.

For my future to begin

I need money to invest in my future

But no one will employ me

And my parents don't have the money.

Perhaps my future is dim and impossible.

I guess that is why

I can consider it to be a dream.

I guess I will have to give up

My future, my aspirations and my dreams

Because of others 

And the impossibility in acheiving them.

After all they are only dreams.

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