Chapter 2

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The world comes back to him in bits and pieces.

Sensation comes first - the icy gravel under his cheek and the beginning frostbite in his bare fingers. There's something unbearably cold on his right wrist... which are tied together behind his back with a rough rope.

Sound comes next. Someone's talking and it sounds like... a woman?

And then the memories come flooding back.

He remembers the two men - three, counting the guy on the roof - and the lady with the sword. Someone must've knocked him out when he wanted to check on Tsuna.

Oh, god.


Is he dead? He probably is, there is no way Tsuna could stand up to them even if he wasn't drugged.

Mochida almost groans thinking what an enormous idiot he is. Overconfident in his abilities he ran to help and what happened? A person got killed! What an amazing way to help someone!

His stomach drops like a stone when he thinks about having to confront Tsuna's mother. What would he even say? That he saw her son dying and couldn't prevent it because he had fighting skills but no common sense? That he was too stupid to do anything about the small and defenceless Tsuna being killed?

Wait. Would he even get to confront her about it? Wouldn't they just kill him, too? Mochida has seen their faces. There was no way they would let him live.

He feels someone leaning over him and he forces his breathing to be normal, staying very still.

"Just as I thought. No reaction. This guy doesn't have active flames. What about the kid? You find out who he is?" It's the sword lady, probably crouching beside him.

"Nah. No wallet, no phone. Only a pair of mittens and... some kind of medicine? He's got strong flames, but I don't... Huh? Hey, wait a minute... This ring has an engraving... Shit. Guys? Guys! I think we captured a Vongola!"

"Eh? Vongola? This pipsqueak? Don't fuck with me."

"Just look at the ring!"

Mochida hears Sword Lady leaving his side, her boots crunching against frozen gravel. He opens one eye just a sliver and sees the three of them hovering over Tsuna and... he doesn't look dead! He's on the ground and not moving and looks uncomfortable with one arm bent awkwardly under him, but he is definitely not dead and Mochida has to physically force himself to stay still. Trying to either fight or escape would just make things worse. Best he can do in this situation is to gather information. So he listens.

Sword Lady whistles. "Well fuck me with a fucking cheese grater. That looks fucked up enough to be a Vongola ring alright."

"You know, it's unsightly for a woman to talk like that." The man with the red hat says. Mochida decides to call him Red. The other man is turned sideways towards him and he sees a large scar running from his cheekbone to chin. He'll call that one Scar.

"Yeah? Go cry me a fucking river. Maybe it's a farce?"

"With that massive amount of flames? No way."

"Well then what the fuck is a Vongola doing in goddamn Japan?"

"He's so young, too," Scar says. "You think he's one of Decimo's Guardians?"

"He just as well might be. Damn, I kinda wanna check what his flames are now. I bet he's a cloud."

Scar punches Red's shoulder. "Don't you know anything? Hibari's cloud. You know, the 'Bite you to death' guy. Shit, if this guy was Hibari, we'd be dead by now - flames or not. This one's gotta be a storm, you saw how fast he moved."

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