Chapter 8

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Warnings: Release the hounds, Tsuna.


The alley is cold and dark and Tsuna is honestly not sure how much longer he can go on. Each new step he takes sends a sharp, fresh bout of pain through his ribs, the broken bones sickeningly crating and grinding against each other under his skin. Or under whatever is left of his skin, anyway. Stefan did a thorough job and Tsuna's rather glad he already lost his lunch. And that he's wearing dark clothes.

He's fought with injuries and broken bones before, but he's always had others to help him. Like after that fight with Byakuran, Yamamoto pretty much carried him back to the hideout and Ryohei started healing him as soon as he had the flames to do so. All Tsuna had to do was rest to recover the flames he'd lost. And when Daemon shattered most of his bones, the Oath flames healed him so fast that Tsuna didn't even fully acknowledge that he nearly died there.

And even the mess the stray bullet caused in August when it got past his flame barrier was ultimately taken care of by someone else. It hurt a lot so he doesn't remember much of what happened after he got out of that warehouse, but he knows that Hibari was there. It wasn't Hibari who got him home, though. He thinks that was Reborn.

But seriously, what is it with Mafioso and cold warehouses? Couldn't they conduct their kidnappings and other heinous acts somewhere else? Like in nice warm cabins where they could offer the victims hot tea and fresh apple pie and discuss their problems calmly and without trying to kill anyone-

Tsuna cringes and stops that train of thought abruptly. He's losing focus along with the blood that's soaked through his shirt and hoodie and is now running down the side of his jeans and that's... not good. At all.

He focuses on Mochida who is following him closely. He hasn't said anything, but judging solely by the quick rhythm of his breathing, he's not doing so well. He's been extremely high-strung all night and it's probably starting to take its toll. A little more and he might panic again and Tsuna's not sure if he can do anything to calm him down this time.

Mochida was right before. It wouldn't do for Tsuna to leave him alone to deal with all of this.

And Mochida's loud footsteps remind Tsuna that he's not alone.

"Gao." Natsu nudges his cheek once and jumps off his shoulder.

Tsuna stops running and Mochida skids to a stop to avoid ramming into him. Tsuna takes a moment to appreciate not running. His lungs are definitely grateful for it.


Natsu keeps looking at him expectantly.

He nods. "Okay, go."

Natsu takes off without looking back and disappears around the corner. He's a bit slower than usual, which might have something to do with the stupid bracelet that keeps eating his flames. He'll have to deal with it as soon as possible.

"Where is he going?"

Tsuna would shrug but his... everything rebels against that.

"Not sure. Natsu's senses are better than mine. Especially now."

He should probably explain that more, but that would take time and energy he doesn't have. They're not far enough from the warehouse to make him feel comfortable, but it's enough. He leans against the wall, ignoring the way his vision just completely disappears for a few seconds.

Instead he digs out Mochida's phone from his pocket and texts his location to a familiar number. Then he types in the same number, a finger just hovering above the green call button, but not pressing down yet. He needs to wait until-

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⏰ Last updated: May 11, 2018 ⏰

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