Chapter 3

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WARNINGS: Graphic descriptions of violence.


There is something wrong.

Gokudera knows that there is something terribly wrong. He feels it in his bones.

Not in the house, because Tenth's mother is humming softly while whipping fresh eggs in a bowl and Iemitsu is somewhere in the living room drunk off his ass. He hasn't been sober since they landed in Japan three days ago. Not that Gokudera cares much about him, but it obviously causes Tenth distress so he's been hiding sake bottles to at least decrease the speed of Iemitsu's decent into complete and irreversible idiocy.

Lambo is playing with the two kids Tenth brought home earlier. They are now clean and stuffed full of food and dressed up in what Mama said used to be Tenth's old clothes. They are still cautious and keep directing wary glances at both Gokudera and Iemitsu, but they have obviously taken a liking to Mama, Lambo and Tenth. The girl even gave Tenth an odd bracelet as a sign of thanks just before he left for a second trip to the grocery store.

Which brings Gokudera to the current problem. Tenth's wallet and phone are on the table in front of him, in the exact same spot Gokudera had placed them after he ran out to get the items to Tenth, failed to find him in the store or on the way there or back, and returned home with the necessary groceries, but disturbingly Tenthless.

That was almost two hours ago.

Gokudera has to physically keep his fingers still so he wouldn't call Reborn. It is precisely why Nono requested Reborn to remain in Italy, to see how well they fare without him.

Nono also gave them a few days of vacation to see their families. Or at least everyone who had families in Japan got to do that. As they had no one to visit, Tenth kindly allowed Gokudera and Lambo to stay with him. (Gokudera did not cry about that even if Lambo still teases him.)

The mission itself is pretty straightforward. In many cities all over Japan the number of homeless children has suddenly grown. Nono asked them to find out why and who and where and take necessary actions to solve the problem. They were given only solid facts and nothing else, but Tenth has already found the first lead and even Hibari confessed to having found some clues. The mission should be a breeze.

So they had a brief meeting after Tenth brought home those two children. They agreed to start working on the mission tomorrow when the children would hopefully be settled enough for some questioning. Everything should be fine.

And yet nothing is fine.

Tenth still hasn't returned. Tenth is strong and can easily take care of himself, but Gokudera can't help the burning feeling of dread low in his stomach.

"Tsu-kun sure is late," Mama sighs absently, slipping breaded shrimp into the hot oil.

And that's the final straw. Gokudera is up from his seat and rushing towards the front door before the shrimp can start sizzling.

"I'll go find him!" he yells, stumbling over untied shoelaces.

"Be careful, Gokudera-kun!" she calls after him but he's already out the door by then, fumbling with his phone to call the others.


The man stays silent for a good few minutes, just silently watching. Mochida has no idea what's going on or why the man thinks he's Vongola. And he can't check for Tsuna's reaction or instructions on how to behave either because the man is keeping firm eye contact. His every move is being assessed, every emotion on his face judged. It's not that much different than facing an exceptionally strong opponent in a kendo match, so Mochida does his best to look brave and fearless.

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