Chapter 4

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Warnings: Graphic descriptions of violence and torture, but no actual gruesome torture, I promise. Just.... uhhh I never intended this to go so far. I am sorry. I am also a victim to my own imagination. And I had entirely too much fun with this. 


It's an unassuming bar with blinking neon lights, some kind of pop song playing loud enough that Gokudera can hear it even where he's hiding behind some trash cans. Groups of people are standing in front of the bar, smoking, drinking, and chatting. Gokudera couldn't care less about them.

Overall it doesn't look like a place a group of kidnapping idiots would hide and Hibari also implied that some of the locations might have nothing to do with the group, but Gokudera is not about to take any chances. Who knows, they might hide Tenth in the basement or something.

"I'm in position. Status report," he orders into his earpiece. He is technically Tenth's right hand, even if he has yet to admit it, so during Tenth's absence, he's the highest in the command chain.

"I'm ready," Chrome says softly, the microphone barely catching her voice.

"I'll be there in 30 seconds," Sasagawa all but yells and Gokudera frowns. The difference between Chrome's quietness and Sasagawa's loudness is too large. He'll have to ask Spanner to adjust the volume levels again. "What about Yamamoto?"

"Damn idiot forgot his earpiece. He just texted he's ready, though."

"And Hibari?"

"Hell knows him. He changed his number again and refuses to use the earpiece Tenth gave him. Ungrateful bastard."

Gokudera absently scratches Uri behind the ear who allows that for exactly two seconds before swatting at his hand. Gokudera swats back, missing completely.

He sighs at the four neat bleeding lines decorating his hand and wills Uri back into his belt buckle. As much as he'd like to storm the place and burn it to the ground, he can't confirm if the bar has anything to do with the ones who kidnapped Tenth from his position. And there are most likely civilians in there. He knows Tenth would hate to get them involved, so his mission will require stealth and patience.

"Haha, sounds just like him. I'm sure he'll get the job done. I'm ready now."

"Good. Well then, let's get Tenth back. Mission start in three... two... one..."


Mochida tries hard not to listen, but even through Tsuna's winter coat the sickening sound of metal hitting flesh echoes loud and brutal in the empty room. Still, Tsuna hasn't so much as winced and so Mochida also tries his best to not look, not react, and to definitely keep his mouth firmly shut. Tsuna seems to at least somewhat know what he is doing, and Mochida doesn't want to interfere with whatever plan he has plotted.

Then he hears a revolting crack and Tsuna yelps before coughing violently. Mochida can't keep himself still and he snarls, willing the sturdy metal of his handcuffs to break so he could punch that Stefan guy in the face. If only he had his shinai. Even a bamboo sword could do some good damage when used right.

Stefan smiles cheerfully at his reaction. "Hear that sound, Ken-kun? Do you know what it is? That's the sound of ribs breaking. You know what that means? A few more hits and pieces of broken bone will pierce lungs. I can imagine drowning in your own blood is not a nice way to die."

Mochida opens his mouth to throw a few insults at his face, but Tsuna gives a strained laugh.

"Good massage, Stefan. I already feel all the tension leaving my body. Have you thought about becoming a physiotherapist?"

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