Chapter 1:Code of Honor

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Nellie sat in the bathroom as she and Molly waited for the pregnancy test they bought at the space mall in the store that sold merchandise from Earth,Len watching after Adam for Molly.Although the owner thought Humans used pregnancy tests as apart of some sort of ritual,poor Nellie couldn't help but laugh at the idea.Currently,the Paladins were doing a mission while Keith was out doing his training with the blades.Although Nellie was used to Keith's absence,that still didn't mean that she didn't miss him.
Right on cue,Molly's timer had went off. "Are you ready?" The space mom asks. "As I'll ever be." Nellie breathes.They walked over to the counter and slowly reached for the test.Nellie closed her eyes as she brought it up to her face.The beloved of the current Black Paladin took a deep breath before opening her eyes,and nearly fainting when she saw that it's positive.Nellie couldn't help but be excited and felt a stream of tears fall down her face out of happiness.Molly hugged her niece-in-law. "Congratulations Nellie!You're pregnant." She chimes.But that's when Nellie realized another thing. "How's Keith gonna react to this?" She fret,scared for the worse. "Don't worry about it.I'm sure that Keith is going to be thrilled." "But...let's not tell everyone yet.I want this to be a surprise." "Very well,then.If you want it to be a surprise,I won't say a word."

Returning from his mission,Keith met with Shiro in the bridge.He noted that Shiro was staring at a map with numerous floating holographic ships.The former Black paladin notices his presence. "Keith,good,you're back.The team's on a mission.You need to get to your lion and join them immediately." Space dad instructs,focused on his job at hand. "I will,but I think we just discovered a new form of quintessence." Keith reports. "The readings are off the charts.Kolivan says it could be linked to Lotor." "Okay,we'll discuss it when you return.The team's escorting refugees out of the Fimm System." Shiro responds,shrugging him off. "This is Lotor I'm talking about.He hasn't been seen in months.This might be our chance to track him down." "I said,we'll discuss it later.Right now,I need you to focus on the mission at hand." Shiro snaps,which surprises Keith. "But-" "This isn't a request,Keith.Get to the Fimm System.That's an order." Shiro interrupts.Deciding not to press on,he gives Shiro a solemn nod and moves out.

In the Fimm System,the Red,Green,and Yellow lions arrive and begin to assist in the escorting.Each lion carefully sinks its claws into the ships then move out.Keith later arrives in Black,doing the same.Surprisingly,the other paladins are a little grumpy upon his arrival. "Well,look who decided to show up." Pidge snips. "Yeah,are you even taking this seriously?" Lance asks,joining in with his fellow paladin.Keith endures the hit. "Sorry I'm late." He sighs.

After finishing up the last bits of the mission,Keith meets up with Shiro outside of his lion,the two gazing out at the skies of Olkarion as Keith quickly averted his attention to Shiro. "Were you able to speak with Kolivan about the Intel?" He asks,near impatient. "I did,and we need to find out all we can about that quintessence." Shiro reports. "But more importantly,Voltron needs a strong leader." "I know they do and it should be you." Keith states. "Keith,we've discussed this before.Besides,we both know that the Black Lion has chosen you." "You only tried once.You had a connection with the Black Lion and I know it's still there.If you just give it another shot-" Keith gets cut off. "Keith,we all have a part to play.This is mine now.I've come to terms with that.Now, you need to." Keith went silent. "I support your decision to continue with your Marmora training but not at the expense of the team.They need you, Keith.They need you to be their leader." Despite the fact that he still refused to believe it,Keith knew deep down that he was right.

The team later reassembles back on the bridge.Coran was giving the team the information of there next destination. "Okay,everybody,today,we'll be heading to Reiphod,a planet recently liberated from Galra forces." "This is embarrassing.We're basically the grand marshal of a parade." Keith groans. "Not a parade.A show of arms!" Coran corrects in his cheerful demeanor. "Whatever it is,this is the second one of these we've done just this week." Pidge says. "I know it's not exactly battling the Galra, but believe it or not, this helps us boost morale and strengthen alliances." Allura chimes,trying to reassure the team. "Right,right,stongholds,blah-dy,blah-dy,blah." Lance starts,his hands falling to his hips firmly. "Now, I say we go over our lion choreography one more time.I don't want a repeat of what happened last time," He looks over to his best friend,a warning look in his eye. "Hunk." "I thought my lion had more room." Hunk states,defending himself.

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