Chapter 6:A New Defender

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In the Castle of Lions,Coran and Len monitor the map.Allura remains ready for battle as Molly sits in Shiro'schair cradling Adam.Seating in Lance's seat is Siha,who tries to keep a brave face,at her side is the protective Drak. "It appears that all of the planets we've engaged have been pacified,if not totally liberated." Allura states.Coran notices movement. "Wait.There's another Galra battle cruiser approaching Naxzela."

In their Galra cruiser,Matt and Agnea hear this. "Sector Zar Niomofor is clear.Let me see if I can get a line on that battle cruiser." Matt chimes.Suddenly,their guns power down along with the ship. "Zaiforge cannon Senfama,are you still operational?" Agnea asks.

Back on Senfama,the same thing has happened. "Negative.That incoming battle cruiser must have shut them down remotely." Nellie reports. "Sorry,Shiro.That's it for artillery support." Keith apologizes. "What should we do about that cruiser?"

On Naxzela,Voltron is WRECKING IT!! "That cruiser's gonna be too late.Naxzela's almost secure." Shiro chimes. "We just need to take out the last of the heavy artillery." Shiro then notices an incoming cannon blast. "On our left!Shield up!" Pidge quickly brings up the shield to deflect the attack.Voltron launches to the sky and it continues to take down Galran cruisers and sentries left and right till nothing but explosions fill the foggy skies.

On the head Galra cruiser...
Haggar stares at the attacks commencing.Vreyga stands at her side as two generals walk in. "This is the most devastating attack on the empire in 10,000 years." Ladnok snarls. "We left ourselves vulnerable.Now,we face overwhelming resistance.Do we attack now,or should we wait for orders from Emperor Zarkon?" She asks. "Lord Zarkon is busy leading the hunt for Lotor.We can handle this on our own." Haggar spits. "Stay on course for Naxzela." Vreyga adds. Deep Space...
Lotor is flying through the dotted darkness,trying to catch a break.As soon as he thinks he's safe,Lotor shuts his eyes,but sadly,a beacon catches his movements.In a cruiser ship nearby,Zarkon is approached by a general. "Sire,one of our deep space beacons just registered some activity.It's not far from our position.I could send a scout." She suggests. "It's Lotor." The emperor responds. "All fleets head for that beacon." He demands.
The moment Lotor is comfortable,he's soon fired upon by his own father.With no other choice,Lotor dodges the relentless fire of Galra fighter ships,doing all sorts of flips and turns until he finally fires back at them,managing to take out three and cause two to collide with each other.He notices that he's on course towards a star.Knowing the risks,Lotor sets course for the star and makes a beeline full blast. "He's headed for Nah-veer Five.It's an unstable star." Trugg informs. "He thinks we'll be scared off by a few solar flares.Stay on him." Zarkon commands,not giving in to his son's games.
Lotor tears on through,no intentions of averting the sun.His enemies began to suffer casualties. "The radiation is wreaking havoc on our navigation systems." "We can navigate visually." Zarkon chirps.Lotor still doesn't give in.One of the Galra cruisers explode. "Cruiser six is down.Squadron Erto is down." Trubbish turns to her emperor. "Sire,we're too close to the sun.This cruiser cannot handle gravitation this strong." With no other choice,Zarkon gives in. "Pull back." With her orders,Trugg brings back the fleet of cruisers away from the unstable star.Having have won,Lotor immediately pilots away from the star and away from his father. "Our engines have overheated.We cannot pursue until they've stabilized.It will be at least 12 doboshes."
"Track his trajectory."

Back with Haggar's Ship...
Haggar turns back to the Generals. "Stop the ship and hold this position.We're close enough to Naxzela now." The witch spoke,leaving with Vreyga trailing behind her. "Close enough for what?Voltron has captured the planet.There's no way for us to attack from this distance." A male general speaks. "We need to gather every available ship and get ready for the fight of our lives." Haggar and Vreyga ignore their comments and heads to a chamber guarded by a Druid. "Make sure no one disturbs our ritual until Naxzela is destroyed." Haggar demands,earning a salute. "Vrepit sa."
Haggar and Vreyga enter the chamber,the doors sealing behind them.Haggar and Vreyga walk in,the floor glowing its purple hue and the insignia appears.Haggar turns to Vreyga. "It'll just be the both of us.But I'll be depending on you to help carry it out." Vreyga holds her breath at her statement,but nods. "Let us begin."
Haggar gets to her knees,dark magic surging through the room.A sphere forms above Vreyga,who tries to endure the pain as she channels the dark arts. "Focus!" Haggar sneers.Taking a quick breath,Vreyga takes over. "Awake,Naxzela!"

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