The Look In Those Eyes

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-Vik (Vikstar123) POV-

I was pretty much home alone, the guys were out doing what they do, probably playing football. (Soccer might accidentally be said. I'm American so I have slip ups, sorry.)
I decided not to go with them because I just didn't feel like going outside, and if I was going to play football it was going to be on the Xbox, through fifa.

Speaking of fifa, that is the game I was playing before getting bored and deciding to take a shower. I wasn't recording so I could do that without worry. Right when I was about to turn off the water and start lathering my body with soap, I heard a door whip open, and I'm not gonna lie it scared me. I didn't scram like a little bitch but I defiantly jumped a little.

I looked around real quick but didn't see anything due to the shower door. I figured it was nothing and just continued on with lathering my body. Not even a minute after I started lathering my body I heard my shower door whip open as well. That made me jump even more than what the distant door did. I quickly made it to where my face, chest, and crotch was hidden, but that did leave my ass and back in the open, but I didn't really worry as much about those being exposed.

I peeked over my shoulder and was both, suprized and nervous, about seeing JJ (KSI) standing there with a nearly blank expression, but the look in his eyes.... Those eyes said something I couldn't even make out. I didn't know if the look was a good or bad one, but either way.... something was being told through them.

I shot him a look then turned back around and tried ignoring him, but how the hell was I supposed to do that?

"Umm.......Hi." I said not one hundred percent sure if it was the correct thing. He didn't say anything back, he just continued standing there.

"C-can I help y-ou?" The longer he stood there the more uncomfortable I felt.

"Hmmm." He hummed and started rubbing my back, this cause me to tense up. I didn't know quite what to do so I tried to walk away from him, which was difficult because we were in a shower. I turned the water on to see if that would make him stop or something, at this point I was just panicking really.

"oh, why do you shower with your water so cold?" He said in almost a teasing way.

"I-I. I-t d-doesnt matter." I said shakily as I turned the water back off and pretty much just forced myself against the shower wall to get as far away from him as possible. I couldn't just get out because he was standing in front of the door. And he is much stronger than me so he could easily grab me and move me as he wants.

"Aww, I'm just caring for you, if the water too cold and youre in it for too long, you can get hypothermia and I don't want my little boy getting sick or injured." I cringed when he called me his little boy, I couldn't think of any thing to say so I just settled with the most reasonable thing.

"Umm, can you leave.......please?" I mummbled so he could barely hear me.

"Huh, what was that?" He said in a belittling tone.

"I said, can you leave....please?"

"No." My heart almost stopped when he said that.

"JJ, you're making me VERY uncomforitable. Can you please leave?"




"But, JJ I-"

"I'M NOT LEAVING UNTIL YOU BEG! GET ON YOUR KNEES AND. CONVINCE ME!" He yell comanded, causing my heart to start beating and for me to jump a little. I did what he said and quickly scramble to my knees. Tears started forming from embarrassment and fright.

"JJ I'm sorry if I did something that -"




"JJ.......IM.......SORRY. LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE!" I said frustrated, and protective over myself. He gave an equally frustrated sigh, and made the scariest growl I've ever heard. My eyes widened as he did what he did next.

He tightly grabbed my shoulder causing me to whimper. He picked me up seemingly effortless, and pushed me back up against the shower wall with a loud thud. He laughed coldly then whispered in my ear.

"I gave you a chance, you messed up and are out of chances. Now imma take mine." Those words sent a shiver down my spine and tears down my cheeks.

"N-no JJ, you d-dont h-ave to do t-this." I knew at this point there was nothing I could do.

"Oh, but I do, vik." He breathed heavily and I breathed the exact opposite way. My breathing was shaky and I took very small inhales and exhales.

I tried to push him away, but he's way stronger than I am, and I barely even moved him. He grabbed my arms and put them behind my back in an x shape. He then put me into a fireman's carry and took me into the main part of my room where my bed was. He plopped me down and I started squirming trying to get way from him, but he sat on my knees preventing me from moving my lower body. I sat up and slapped him, but he only looked down at me and smirked.

"Oh, youre a fighter, this is gonna be fun." He forced my back against the bed and laid vertically with my body.

He grabbed my hair and tilted my head exposing my sensation neck to him. I gave my last effort, by pushing up on his chest to try and pry him away from me, but like 8ve said before, he's strong as hell; I'm weak, it did nothing.

I almost forgot that I had a voice during that, I let out a scream and a cry for help, but JJ put his hand over my mouth.

Only one question ran through my mind: WHY?

-To Be Continued-

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