Devil, or Angel?

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(Most of this is Vik POV, cause jj isn't present, the creature is.)

-Vik (Vikkstar123) -

I was shaking intensly. What is he gonna do to me? I turned my head to get a small look at who was behind me. As I turned my head, he took a step closer, something I didn't even think possible. I quickly turned my head back around, not getting the view I wanted of the guy.

I just stood there quietly not knowing if I should say or do anything. It stayed that still silence for what felt like was forever, until I felt his hand gently caress my back, gliding up and down it in a chilling way. Everytime his hand glided it got lower and lower. Until he straight up grabbed my ass, resulting in a loud gasp, and a high pitched wimper.

"I didn't realize how truely nice your ass was vik, damn." He said pulling me waist first into what I assumed was his crotch. Unless he was hold a bat. (°-°) ;) (bbc) I tensed up even more so at the show of dominance.

He leaned down and licked my neck, causing more shivers to go down my spine, as well as another high pitched whine.

"Aww, does my special little boy like this. Does he like being pulled around and getting played with teasingly slow?" I didn't know what to say, cause I kinda did. I didn't say really anything and just groaned.

Before I knew it he wrapped one of his arms around my waist, and put the other over my mouth.

"Wkkd- udd bcfb?" I attempted to ask where he was taking us but my attempt was no use cause he still had his hand over my mouth.

I opened my eyes to be greeted with the sight of my unmade bed. He plopped me stomach first against the bed and quickly pulled my hips up slamming my face into the pillow. He pressed his stomach against my back.

"Where is it?" I played dumb.

"Where's what?" He spanked me, causing me to subconsciously let out a muffled moan.

"WHERE IS IT?" he whisper yelled, and I instantly knew what he meant due to the position he put me in. I was extremely embarrassed to tell him about, "the box", cause it was full of, "naughty stuff". (°-°) (kink box lol)

"The floor of the closet, back right. You can't miss it."

He grabbed my arms and used his shirt to tie my arms together while he went to get the box. He sat on my leg and used my back as a table, gasped at the sudden feeling of cold from the box.

I heard the box click open as he hummed in amusement, simultaneously untieing my arms. I started blushing from embarrassment as he was casually look through a box full of my sex related things. Our friendship won't be the same after this.

"Oh, my special boy is into some dirty stuff. What do we have here, an opened bottle of lube, there is almost a quarter of it gone. You must of been anticipating this. Haha." He said slapping my ass again, and getting the same subconscious sound again.

"Hand cuffs too, the deeper I dig into this box, the more anxious I get to dig deep inside of you." He said causing me to get a sudden anxious feeling too.

"Then do it." I whispered with out thinking.

"What was that? Did you just give me permission, no no, was that a plea, FOR me to do it?" My blush became such a deep crimson.

" y-yes....... daddy?" I said not sure if this was right. It probably wasnt.

" oh, you got a daddy kink on top of all of this, this can't get any better. " he said flipping me onto my back, and hancuffing me to the bedframe.

"Your mine now." He whispered into my ear starting to lick and suck around my neck, causing me to whimper, until he found the sweet spot, finally earning a moan.

"T-this isn't right." I say as he continued to work on my neck, completely ignoring my statement.

"we really sh-" I was interrupted by him putting his hand over my mouth.

"Shhh, just let daddy do what he needs to, to pleasure both of us." He removed his hand slowly, and I slowly looked in his direction, just to get met with the same sinister brown eyes as earlier, except they were now clouded over with lust.

He broke our gaze ad he moved down and peeled my legs apart, sitting in between them. He reached over and grabbed the lube, pouring some into his palm, then he made a fist and let the lube slowly leak onto my semi-hard member.

I skirmed a bit and squeezed my legs together, but didn't get to fully close them because of jj being in between them. I had like a devil and angel type thing, the devil was all for this, no regrets, while the angel was thinking about our friend ship, and the sturdiness of it after this.

The devil was winning. I got to the point of just straight giving up I knew there was nothing I could do at this point, and it could be really all that bad.... could it? can't be serious.

-shut up, you don't know what he wants.

~ I do know what he wants and it isn't ...... well, THIS.

-you can say,"kinky gay sex." There's nothing wrong with that.

~Except for the fact that THIS isn't , "kinky gay sex" it's rape.

-is it really rape if you like it?

~he doesn't like it, he-

Hey, hey, this is wrong, our friendship, my body, nothing would be the same after. I can't let him do this.

-who cares?

I do! So imma tell you what you told the angel.... SHUT UP!

I screamed as loud as I could before jj, or whoever was in control at the moment, put their hands on my mouth. I squeezed my legs together as far as I could, and wiggled trying to get free, but failing due to the fact that he had handcuffed me to the bed earlier.

"Don't tire yourself out, we're just getting started." Jj whispered into my ear while laying vertically with my body. I tried screaming again but with no use, as he still had his hand over my mouth. Then he started strangling me untill....

Everything went black.

-To Be Continued-

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