The Creature's Curiousity..... With Vik

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-Vik (Vikstar123) POV-

I heard laughing outside as the guys were making a football challenge IRL. I would be in it, but I just wasn't feeling like it. I was a little sore from, who knows what. I say, who knows what, because I genuinely don't know. Could've slept wrong, could've over worked my muscles by actually going out and doing something for once, it all just depends.

I was playing a game, but got bored cause I wasn't playing to accomplish a goal, I was just trying to give myself something to do. I saved everything and turned it off, really noticing the soreness as I swiveled doing all that.

~psst, vik......



Oh, it's you, we'll it's me, but it's you. Wassup my inner self.

~Dude, we're in pain. Do something to relieve it.

We're just a little sore. And also if you want the "pain" to go away remove it yourself.

~OK, first of all, it physical pain not emotional, I can't do shit about physical pain. Secondly, stop being such a fucking dick to both of us. Lastly, I have an Idea of how you can.... reduce the soreness. Or whatever you wanna call it.

I'm listening.

~ glad you're finally gonna listen to me for once. Any way, I think you should take a shower for your soreness.

Why, is it cause I smell like ass?

~I said, "For your soreness" but now that you mention it....

Shut... the fuck up.

~if you went outside it might help... air the place out ya' know..

Fuck it imma go take a shower, not just for my soreness, but also to shut you up.

~hey, maybe if YOU talked physically, OUTLOUD, TO THE GUYS, more often maybe you wouldn't need to be all crazy looking, in your room talking to youreself

True, well I guess I'll bid you farewell until after my shower.

I stood up, more like hobbled up, then slowly made my way to the bathroom. I still don't know what is causing me to be sore, but I can tell you this, I am sure that I want inner me's shower conspiracy to be true. Cause fuck this.

I made it into the bathroom and shut the door, I didn't bother locking it cause the guys were more than likely going to be outside for awhile.

I sat on the toilet and slowly stripped. I instantly got a blast of cold when I did this, I probably should've collected my stuff before I stripped, but oh well. I collect and put my stuff on the bathroom sink, then hopped in the shower, turning it on and letting the warm-ish water run over my back. I didn't really like the feeling of hot water on my back, or my hair, or my legs. In general I don't like hot water touching my body.

One thing that made me happy was that inner me's conspiracy was true, I did feel a little better, but I damn sure wasn't 100%. I was deep into thoughts when suddenly I heard a loud ass sound. I looked around, but couldn't see anything cause the glass of the shower had fogged up. I ignored it assuming it was something from outside or something, then went back to wetting my hair.

-JJ/Jide (Ksi) POV-

I went back inside for a minute cause I had to pee. That's all. Nothing happened whatsoever once I was in there, yeah definitely. Or at least that's what the guys think. What happened when I was in there, made me feel.....guilty, here's what happened, and I'm not proud of it.

I ran upstairs to save time, and make it to where the guys didn't have to wait for me that long.

I walked into a random room, it didn't really matter which one cause no one was in the house but me....... and vik.

I looked around the room to see if anyone was in, I didn't see anyone so I walked over to the bathroom and whipped the door open.

The first thing I noticed was a rather sweet smell, it wasn't cologne or anything, it was just a smell. The second thing I noticed..... Vik.

I watched almost in slow motion as the water drops dripped from his hair, and down his back. He looked so....hmm i dont know how to describe it. I quickly looked away, but it wasn't long before my eyes wandered back onto him.

The first scent i smelt when I opened the door, was his... his natural scent was so sweet to me, I wanted to taste him, does his scent match his taste? I violently shook my head at the thoughts. But they didn't leave my mind.

I subconsciously took a step closer to him without a sound being made, what I didn't notice is, while an UPROAR was happening in my head, an UPRISING was happening in my pants. I looked down not even believing what I think my body was considering doing.

I took yet another subconscious step, his scent becoming stronger, and my own self control become weaker. I hated this side of me, especially when It comes out at a time like this. I guess I'm about to expose my creature.

I know what's about to go down, but can't do any thing to stop it, my body and sex drive has taken over. Vik didn't do anything AT ALL, to deserve this. I just hope his already sore body doesn't go from sore, to broken.

-Vik (Vikstar123) POV-

I heard a quiet airy sound, it sounded like the breeze on a nice fall day. I think got louder am more intense. I looked around again, once again not being able to see because of the fogged up glass. I think I saw a siloette, but I'm pretty sure I'm just going crazy.

I was about to call out to see if anyone was there but decided it was in my best interest not to. I turned the water off and reached for my shampoo. I plopped some In my hand, and levitated it over my head for a quick second before being jump scared by yet another loud ass noise, but this time, I knew it wasn't coming from outside, or downstairs because it was way too loud to be any further than a couple feet from me. I whipped my body around as I jumped up from the sudden noise.

When I turned around I got yet another jumpscare. The only thing I saw was a pair of sinister brown eyes. I quickly turned around ensuring I wasn't too exposed. Leaving only my back, and ass exposed to whoever stood behind me.

I don't know what they were doing here, but if those eyes said anything, it is that they weren't here to talk.

-To Be Continued-

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