Simon's Past Encounter

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-Simon (Miniminter) POV

"If he isn't out here within the next minute imma go find him." I said impatiently.

"Why not just go now?" Josh asked semi-sarcastically. I just shrugged then headed towards the house. I jogged not wanting to waste anymore time then what already was.

I whipped open the door and sped walked around  until I got to the bathroom.

"Yo, jj where you at? What's taking so long?" I opened the door and didn't see anyone. Why didn't he use the downstairs one?

"JJ!?" I yelled looking up the stairs, then proceeding to swiftly walk up them.

I heard a faint noise as I got closer to the top of the stairs and slowed my pace.

It sounded like growling, and... it was coming from vik's room? I knew that sound too well, and it only takes hearing once to known it. I'll never forget my experience. Never.

-Flashback (smut blessing/warning)-

I was laying on my bed clearing my head when suddenly I heard a loud thud and the sound of my door opening. I looked up to see jj, nothing out of the ordinary. Except..... one thing. He looked cold, not thermally, but, evily. He had a blank stare. ZERO EMOTION.

He slowly crept towards me. Each step making my heart beat faster.

"Jj, are, are you ok?" No responce. I asked again, more frightful and shakey he just kept slowly getting closer. I sat up on my elbows and just laid there not knowing what was a good idea. I was too frightened to move.

He got really close, and then just sat at the end of my bed, not breaking eye contact with me, not blinking, not moving at all. He was a statue, a really creepy statue. His blank stare slowly evolved into a eery smirk, as he rose his hand and slowly stroked my leg. I hastily jerked my leg away from him and started to shake my head as I just as quickly started for the door.

Before I was even close enough to the door to grab the knob, jj quickly grabbed my arm and pulled me hard enough to dislocated my shoulder, which he didn't luckily, and I fell to the ground in shock as jj wasted no time going over me and hovering over me.

I went back to my paralyzed state. Only moving if he moved me manually. He eventually just picked me up and threw me back on the bed. I still didnt move, based off of that pull he did to my arm, I wasn't going to do anything to end up injured. He had his way, he could do what ever he wanted.

I laid still on the bed for a couple of seconds until my nerves calmed and I had enough courage to look around. I lifted my head and almost immediately put it back down as I saw the scariest pair of eyes I'd ever seen just a couple of inches from my face. I stared at the ceiling, gasping when I suddenly felt a pair of lips attach to my neck. I squirmed underneath jj, or, the creature or what ever. Only getting a chuckle in responce. He suddenly stopped and moved up so our noses were basically touching. He kissed me very roughly and bit my lip so hard it almost bled, and then inserted his tounge when I opened my mouth to wince. I didn't kiss back, but I didn't fight him and just let him explore my mouth as he pleased.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2019 ⏰

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