▪ Chapter One [Summer Plans] {Edited} ▪

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So I noticed,there weren't that many stories for Regal Academy, and since I recently got into the show I wanted to write something for it. I apologize in advance...

🗝Narrator's POV🗝

"Summer is here!",Rose yelled running outside the castle. The last class of the school year had just ended and she was excited to finally relax, although she would miss Regal Academy.

"Rose wait up!",Joy yelled as she ran over to her friend,quickly followed by Astoria, LingLing, Travis and Hawk.

"Well guys,I guess this is goodbye for a while", Astoria said still holding on to her books.

"What do you mean?", Rose asked with a confused expression.

"Well you and Travis are leaving to Earth and the rest of us are going our own separate ways, so we probably wont see each other for a few months at least", LingLing said catching up with her friends.

"LingLing is right Rose", Hawk said not looking happy at all.

"OOH! I have an idea!", Rose yelled with exitement jumping up on one of her feet.

"Not again", Travis whispered not looking forward to this 'amazing' plan.

"I promise this one is good!", Rose said.

"Just ignore him Rose", Hawk replied eyeing Travis.

"Well I thought I could ask my grandmother to let you guys come to Earth with Travis and me!", Rose squealed with exitement.

"You think that would work!?", Joy asked looking excited to pay a visit to the strange world again.

"I don't know Rose,would our parents allow it?", Astoria said a little concerned as to what her mom would say.

"Oh it'll be fine, I'm sure", Hawk said reassuring his worried friend.

"Let's go ask my grandmother!", Rose said running over to where the dragons were as the group followed their 'slightly crazy' friend.


"But grandma! Please, it's just for a few weeks!", Rose begged her grandmother.

"Rose I know it's only for a short amount of time, but the last time you went on Earth wasn't exactly the best now was it?", her grandmother argued.

"But please! Travis and I can show them around! We'll keep them safe and be their tour guide please! And besides have you seen their shoes!? They need an upgrade!", Rose begged again while clinging on to her grandmother's arm.

"Oh alright,but if anything happens to them-"

"I know, I know, I'm responsible. Thanks grandma", Rose cut her off while hugging her and then immediately ran to her friends,who were waiting outside Cinderella's castle.

"And?", Joy asked when Rose ran out.

"You're coming to Earth!", Rose yelled.

This received mixed reactins but they were mostly positive. A silence followed until LingLing broke it:"So when are we leaving?"

"Yeah,we still haven't packed anything. I need to bring my books with me", Astoria said.

"We can meet here tomorrow morning around 10:00 and then we'll leave to Earth", Hawk suggested.

"Sounds good to me!", Joy said.

"Alright. See you guys tomorrow!", Astoria waved as they all went their separate ways to get ready for tomorrow.


"Hey mom, dad! Bye mom, dad!", Rose greeted and immediately ran to her room, but she was interrupted.

"Rose,where are you going?",Claire asked looking over at her daughter, "You haven't even eated yet."

"Oh right. Let me just put my bag down", Rose ran inside her room and put her things down, then returning to the kitchen.

"Um mom, dad. I gotta tell you something", Rose said as she sat down.

"What is it? Did something happen in school today?", Dave asked looking over at her with a concerned expression.

"What! No! Nothing bad, but uh my friends and I have decided to spend this summer break here on Earth. And I was wondering if we could spend a few weeks in our beach house? Please?", Rose asked her parents.

"I don't know Rose,could you guys really handle yourselves-?", Dave asked Rose,but was interrupted by Claire, "Oh come on Dave. They'll be fine. They've fought monsters before. This is nothing. Right Rose?"

"Right mom!", Rose replied.

"Alright,fine. But who will drive you there?", Dave asked.

"Well Travis knows how to drive a normal car", Rose replied, "I think."

"Okay then. Why don't you go pack your bags, Rose? I'll call you when dinner is ready", Claire said turning back to cooking.

"Okay, thanks mom!", Rose exclaimed and ran inside her room once again.

She immediately ran to her closet and opened it, wondering what she should pack. She took out her suitcase and opened it, now ready to put in as many things as she could fit. Now looking at her full closet she started looking at particular clothes and tried to make outfits, while also finding matching shoes with them.

In the end she had around 10 outfits picked out, even though she knew she wouldn't wear them all. However there was one problem-actually two problems. One-she couldn't fit all her shoes into the same suitcase. But that was easily solved because she had smaller suitcase just for shoes-because you never know when they could be needed.

The second problem was that she didn't have any good looking swimsuits. They all looked ridiculous.

Rose sunk into her bed's soft mattress and covered her face with her hands, "Oh pumpkin seeds! This is terrible! All these swimsuits are terrible! I can't be seen wearing any of these-what will Hawk think!? This is a fashion disaster!"

Then suddenly an idea came into her head, "Hold on a second! Joy, Astoria and LingLing don't have swimsuits either!", she jumped up on her feet,
"I can go shopping with them! Problem solved!"

"Hey sweety, you ready yet?", Claire said as she stepped into Rose's now messier room, "I see you got a bit worked up."

"Yeah,a little. Well anyway I'm done. I just need to buy a swimsuit,but the other girls don't have them either so I can buy it with them. Other then that, I'm ready", Rose replied.

"Well so is dinner. Now come on", Claire said and exited the room, quickly followed by Rose who was exited to try some more of her mom's amazing cooking.

👑To be continued........👑

🌸Would you look at that, you made it through that mess of a chapter. Congrats! Was it good? Did you like it? Tell me please, I'm curious.🌸

1085 words

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