•Chapter Thirteen [Secrets Don't Last]•

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Hello welcome to a new chapter! Before I start I want to tank you all for over 1.3K reads on this crappy story. I'll try to update more often but as of right now I will update twince a week. Enjoy!

🏵Rose's POV🏵

"C'mon Celena, let's go home", I exclaimed walking over to the portal.

"Rose! About that, I can't come with you to Earth. My place is in Fairy Tale Land", Celena looked down clearly upset,"I would love to see Clara again, but I can't go like this. Earth is, well different. Very different. What would someone think if they saw a teenage girl walking around with a tiny person with wings floating next to her?"

"Well, you are a Fairy God Mother right?", I asked her, getting an idea.

"Well of course!", she replied.

"Well than you can do anything with your wand right?", I asked her again winking this time.

"Well yes of course, but I can only grant your wishes Rose", Celena said.

"Well then, I wish for you turn into a regular sized human", I said.

She looked shocked for a second and than did just that:"Your wish is my command."

Suddenly I saw a ball of light and once I opdned my eyes again I saw Celena, except larger. Almost as tall as me.

"There. See that wasn't so hard!", I clapped my hands.

"Yeah....What about my wings?", she then asked.

"Ahem...I wish for you to have normal human clothes and for your wings to be removed", I wished.

Same thing happened again and she then appeared without her wings in a blue dress and pink vest and cute little pink shoes.

"Ahh! I love it! And your shoes!", I jumped in excitment and hugged her.

"Haha, thanks!", she laughed and hugged back. Once we split up she wraped her wand around her wrist and her little..."fire thing"...I guess turned into a charm on her "wand bracelet".

"Let's go! I have some money I brought with me and we could go shoe-shopping! Let's go!", I grabbed her hand and we ran throught the portal and we immediately hit the cold, hard cocrete ground back on Earth.

"Your grandma is gonna hate me after this", Celena said and we both got up.

I dusted myself off and we walked out of the alley. I looked over and saw my favorite shoe store right around the corner and smiled: "C'mon Celena, there's the awesome shoe store right there! Let's go!"

I started running over to the store and Celena followed me. Once we were in the shoe strore Celena looked like she was in heaven.

"Well Celena, which shoes do you one try on first? Eh, eh?", I asked her and nudged her arm a couple times.

"How about all of THEM!", she yelled in excitement and ran over to the first paor of shoes and I followed her.


"Um..Rose, I'm not really sure about this. I mean what will your mom think?", Celena asked, she seemed very worried about the situation.

"Oh relax Celena! Everything will be just fine, all we gotta do is introduce you to my mom and I bet she'll remember you right away! Then we can have sleepovers and talk about shoes and everything a Cinderella and Fairy GodMother are supposed to do! Let's go!", I took her hand and unlocked the front door.

"Mom! I'm home!", I yelled and closed the door once Celena walked in, she gave me a look and saying she was scared would be a big understatement on my part.

"Hello sweety. How was your day-", she stopped mid sentence as she entered the hallway seeing Celena next to me,"Rose who is that?"

"Oh mom! You should recognize her-it's Celena!", I laughed, pulling Celena over to me as she gave an awkward wave:"Hi."

"Celena? What do you mean?", mom looked puzzled for a second and then her eyes turned wide,"Celena Fairy GodMother!?"

"Yup, that's me!", Celena laughed awkwardly.

"Oh Celena!", mom came over snd hugged her, "It's been ages! I'm guessing mom just released you, right?"

"Yeah. It felt like centuries in that pocket dimension. It has been a while though. At least 20 years", Celena laughed as they both let go of each other.

"Well I think I would definetly be lonely in that old box", mom laughed along with her,"You two can go to Rose's room now. I'll call you both when dinner is ready."

"Thanks mom!", I said and began walking upstairs. I looked over at Celena and smiled: "See? I told you it wouldn't be that hard?"

"Yeah, I guees I was overreacting a bit", she chuckled and we came into my room.



🗝Narrator's POV🗝

It was now late at night. Everyone in town was asleep, well except two magical girls from a different dimension.

"Rose, what time is it?", Celena asked, laying on the finally clean caroet of Rose's room.

"Hakl past midnight", answered a clearly bored Rose,"Why you ask?"

"No reason", Celena replied with the same monotoned voice as Rose.

"Hey Celena. Do something cool with your magic, like a magic trick", Rose suggested.

"Sure", Celena took her wand and preformed a short spell in which she made two figures out of fairy dust and made them do random and dunny things.

"So cool", Rose said, still gazing at the two figures who had now started dancing together.

"I wish I could do magic like you", Rose said,"I could do so many cool things. I could even make my own spells. I always adored magic as a kid. It must be fun having the abbility to do whatever you please...."

"We of course you can. Every Cinderella can. You just gotta awaken your powers and then you can....cast....spells...", Celena slowly finished her sentence, relizing what she had said.

"HOLD ON I CAN DO WHAT!?", Rose exclaimed shooting up from her laying possision on her bed.

"Hehehehehe...", Celena chuckled, she had really messed up this time.

👑To be continued........👑
1079 words

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