•Chapter Fourteen [The Plan]•

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I know there hasn't been much Hase in these last chapters, but trust me there's gonna be a lot of it after a few chapters. Things are about to get interesting after this chapter. Enjoy!

⚜Previously on Love Lasts Forever:⚜

"I wish I could do magic like you", Rose said,"I could do so many cool things. I could even make my own spells. I always adored magic as a kid. It must be fun having the abbility to do whatever you please...."

"We of course you can. Every Cinderella can. You just gotta awaken your powers and then you can....cast....spells...", Celena slowly finished her sentence, relizing what she had said.

"HOLD ON I CAN DO WHAT!?", Rose exclaimed shooting up from her laying possision on her bed.

"Hehehehehe...", Celena chuckled, she had really messed up this time.

👑To be continued........👑


"Celena what do you mean?", Rose asked with a serious expression, looking straight at Celena.

"I....uh...um," Celena looked around, not really sure what to do and then an idea came to her head. She knew it was wrong but tried it anyway.

She pointed two fings at Rose and mummbled: "Mind Eraser, Pew Pew!" (whoever get's that reference I love you)

"Ah!", Rose ducked her head down as the spell came towards her, thankfully it didn't hit her, it instead hit her pillow.

"What the pumpkins was that for Celena!?", Rose yelled.

"Argh! You can't! You can't know that you can cast magic like me! You can't know about the Cinderella family wand! You can't know about the Cinderella Spell Book! And I'm just spilling out everything you shouldn't be hearing right now!", Celena yelled and pulled her hair in frustration.

"The Cinderella Spell Book?", Rose quietly asked no one in particular. Then she looked down at mouse sat next to her, Gigi:"Did you know about this and just didn't tell me?"

The mouse shook it's head, signalling no. Rose wasn't sure if she was happy or worried at that answer.

"You see now Rose Cinderella? This is why I didn't want to come here! I knew I would mess everything up! AND I DID!", Celena yelled.

"Well why can't I know!? Huh!? Do my grandmother and mother really not trust me that much!?" Rose yelled, getting up from her bed,"Is that why and you're just not telling me!?"

"Ugh Rose listen-", Celena began, "It's just that your grandmother told me to not tell you since she believes you aren't ready for it yet...."

Rose stayed quiet and then mummbled:"Oh...."

"I know, I know. I'd be hurt if that happen to me", Celena looked away, slightly saddened.

"Let's just go to bed", Rose whispered and layed down, covering herself with her fluffy pink blanket.

Celena sighted and whispered to no one in particular:"I'm sorry, I really am."

She created herself a fluffy cloud bed and layed down, falling into a not so peaceful slumber.


Rose got up from her bed, suprisingly early. She brushed her teeth, fixed up her hair, and since she didn't feel like wearing it down that day she tied it up into a ponytail. Then she jumped into her walk-in closet and found herself some nice clothes and put them on.

"Celena wake up! Breakfasts ready", Rose shook her friend and, accidentally, knocked her down from her cloud bed (making her bed dissapear).

"Ow!", Celena groaned, her sounds muffled by the fact that her face was pressed against the carpet.

"Sorry Celena, you weren't waking up so I had to", Rose apoligised and helped the Fairy GodMother up.

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine", Celena then remembered what happened last night,"Um..You still mad?"

Rose blinked a couple times and then with a blank expression resonded: "Yes, but not at you."

Celena sighted not really sure if that was a good thing or not, but she was at least happy things wouldn't be so awkward between the two.

They ate breakfast, talked with Dave and Clara, laughed a bit and by then it was time to go to school. Rose got her backpack and the two left with a goodbye.

"Hey Rose", Celena called the Cinderella.

"Yeah?", Rose replied, looking over at Celena.

"Well, you know how I said your grandmother didn't want to give you the wand?", Celena asked.

"Yeah, you explained that quite frankly last night", Rose said with an 'as a matter of factly' voice.

"Well, who said you couldn't get it?", Celena asked.

Rose stopped in her track, eyes winde as she looked over at the fairy like she was insane:"And what exactly does that mean?"

"Okay, listen. All you gotta do is sk your grandma to stay at the Cinderella Castle tonight and I'll explain it there. Sound's good?", Celena said.

"I guess", Rose replied,"We're not gonna steal it are we?"

"Um, something like that", Celena answered.

"Yup, we're gonna steal it", Rose whispered to herself as the two walked to Travis's house.


School was out, finnaly. Bothing interesting had happened during the day and it seemed like years untill the final bell finally rang.

"Hey Rose, you commin'?", Travis asked walking towards the portal, notising his blonde friend wasn't joining him.

"Oh, you might have to go alone today Travis, I'm staying at Cinderella Castle tonight", Rose said.

"Oh, so that's why you were so excited today. Well, see ya tomorrow Rose!", Travis waved and left.

"Bye!", Rose waved back.

Celena, who was now back into her small Fairy Tale Land form, flew up to Rose and asked:"Rose, are you sure we can do this?"

"Yes, I'm sure Celena. This was your idea anyway", Rose said and winked, "Now we just got to find my grandma and we're set."

"Find me and what exactly?", Cinderella asked appearing, seemingly out of nowhere, looking at her grandaughter.

"Grandma! I wanted to ask you if I could stay at Cinderella Castle for tonight, I haven't been there in a while", Rose said with her usual cheerful attitude.

Cinderella smiled and laughed:"Well of course you can Rose, after all ot is technically your castle too. I'll just notify your mother and you can stay as long as you wish."

"Great! Thanks grandma!", Rose thanked her.

"No problem Rose, now let's go", Cinderella responded as they both wanled into the carrige, along with Gigi and Celena.

Night had fallen, it actually passed midnight and Rose was waiting in her room for Celena to come back.

Celena flew into the room and closed the door,"She's asleep. You ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be", Rose responded, finally ready to get what was now supposed rightfully belong to her, the Cinderella Wand and Spell Book.

👑To be continued........👑
1151 words

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