•Chapter Fifteen [The Cinderella Spell Book]•

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Oh hello again. These updates are getting really spaced out, sorry about that. This chapter kind of sucks but I have good news for all Hase fans: the next few chapters will include MAJOR Hase moments and plotlines. Well read on for now, enjoy!

⚜Previously on Love Lasts Forever⚜

Night had fallen, it actually passed midnight and Rose was waiting in her room for Celena to come back.

Celena flew into the room and closed the door, “She’s asleep. You ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be", Rose responded, finally ready to get what was now supposed rightfully belong to her, the Cinderella Wand and Spell Book.

👑To be continued........👑


👑Narrator's POV👑

Rose opened her bedroom door once again, looking both ways in the dark hallway just to make sure the place was clear.

She turned around and said to Gigi: "Stay here and keep an eye out for granny. C'mon Celena."

The two princesses walked, well one of them flew, through the dark hallways of the Cinderella castle.

"Do you know where the wand is?", Rose whispered to Celena.

"I might have an idea", Celena replied flying faster then before.

The two finally made it to a corridor with a giant door, locked.

"It should be somewhere in here", Celena said and attempted to open the door, “Great! It's locked."

"Well", Rose took a bobby pin out of her hair and tried to unlock the door, and doing to successfully.

"Good job Rose!", Celena said excitedly walking into the room.

Celena lit up a candle making the room light up. Rose looked around the room, she was amazed at everything that was hidden in this secret room.

She noticed a sparkling item, her eyes shined and she ran to it. Once she was close enough she noticed it was a wand.

"That's the wand Rose", Celena said, walking over to the Cinderella.

Rose touched the glass protector and to her surprise it vanished. After a moment of realization she took the wand and a light flashed before her eyes. Once she opened them again she saw the wand had transformed.

The wand now had a handle on the top of which was a beautiful rose. Underneath the rose was a pink bow which was tied around the handle. On the bottom of the handle were a few hanging petals.

"Pumpkin seeds!", Rose exclaimed, shocked at what had just happened. The wand flew back into her hand as Rose's eyes shining with excitement.

"Shimmering fairy dust.... That was awesome!", Celena exclaimed, just as excited as Rose.

"Haven't you seen this before?", Rose asked her not looking away from the wand she held in her hand.

"Nope, that was all my mom. Every Fairy GodMother can only guide two generations of Cinderella’s", Celena explained shortly.

"Cool," Rose said and finally snapped out of her trance, “Hold on, didn't you say something about a spell book?"

"Oh yeah! Just wave your wand and say: “With this powerful wand in my hand I summon upon the book of spells that came from the Cinderella family stems", Celena said.

"Oh, ok," Rose nodded and lifted her hand up, along with the wand and spoke, “With this powerful wand in my hand, I summon upon the book of spells that came from the Cinderella family stems."

The light shined once again and a spell book was formed, floating down into the blonde girl's hand.

"So cool!", Rose whispered and then she remembered, “Celena we have to go now!"

"Wha-OH!", Celena lifted her wand and created a prototype of the wand that was pretty much useless, “Let’s go before your grandmother sees us!"

Celena took Rose's hand and teleported them back to Rose's bog room.

Rose blinked a couple times and then looked at Celena: “Why didn't you just teleport us to the room in first place?"

"Uh....Yeah I forgot about that", Celena scratched the back of her neck with a nervous grin.

"Oh well", Rose shrugged her shoulders and sat on her bed. Gigi came up to her and noticed the two items she was holding.

"Oh hey Gigi! Look at this cool wand and spell book I got! Now I can-", Rose stopped herself, “What can I do with this?"

"Anything you want! Now make up a spell! I want to see what it can do!", Celena clapped her hands looking at the wand and Rose interchangeably to see what would happen.

"Oh...Well in that case, let's do this", Rose stood up and pointed her wand in front of her.

"Tiara Blast!"

As expected a blast of tiaras came flying out of the wand. Unfortunately, Celena was right in front of Rose and ended up on the floor underneath all the crowns[that were, to her at least, giant because she's only a little taller than Gigi].

"Ooops..Sorry Celena", Rose rushed over to the small fairy and got her out of all the tiaras.

"Next time, just don't aim at me please", she laughed weakly.

"I'll try", Rose said as the two girls laughed at Rose's silliness.

🌌[MEANWHILE: at Snow White Castle]🌌

Hawk was on his balcony. He rested his elbow on the railing and held his chin. He sighted, somewhat sadly.

There was no denying it, he was jealous. Jealous of Adrian Sleeping Beauty. Yes, Hawk SnowWhite the perfect prince and hero was jealous of a boy who could barely muster up the courage to even say 'Hello' to anyone but his sister.

He couldn't believe himself either. He knew it was ridiculous. I mean it's not like Rose and Adrian are going to walk into the school tomorrow, holding hands and kissing. UGH. Hawk shivered at the thought of that.

"Whatever, this'll pass. I'm just going through a phase{it's not just a phase mom! ok get back to reading the story now}. It'll be all fine tomorrow, I can just talk to her," Hawk whispered to himself, "I need to go to bed."

As Hawk walked into his room he felt something watching him. He turned around and was meet with no one, noting. Thankfully. Or so he thought.

"Hawk, I can help you", a voice said.

"Who? Wha-", Hawk was interrupted by being pushed onto the floor. He turned around, seeing a shadowy figure hiding under a cloak.

"Your worst nightmare and savior."

👑To be continued........👑
1086 words

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