Chapter 1

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As I walk down the hallway , I'm filled with excitement!
My boyfriend , Peter , travelled out of town with his parents to their lake house .
We had a month break. The first two weeks we were often together cause we knew he was going out of town and we wanted to spend more time together.
I was with a bunch of my friends ... who just can't help but go for parties and of course I went along ...

Peter's flight was delayed and he came back late last night so all our plans for dinner couldn't go as planned . The next day was the beginning of school.

I stay with my mum in our little house up on the hills , my dad is married to another woman and I'm not really sure where they live.

I kiss my mum as I'm about to get out of the car "love you sweetheart "she smiles and I wink and laugh , I can sense that familiar feeling ... Back to college and everyone as you know them ... I head to the doors and with one swift move I push both of them apart. The smell of cleaning materials hit me strongly.

I start walking down the hall way seeing everyone again , I wave and say hello as I'm walking towards my locker. I start organising my things when someone taps my left shoulder, I turn but there's no one there . A confused expression on my face .

When I turn back to face my locker , I jump to see Peter in front of me ...
We immediately hug each other... I  feel the warmth of his skin against mine , I know it's  been two weeks but it feels really long .

While he was away we didn't talk cause there was no cell service up there but he is back now so there's a lot of catching up to do ...

"How was it ?" I ask with glowing eyes.

"Amazing , my parents finally took me up to the lake house ... I mean after all the years of begging and begging finally now I've been there and...."
Peter was interupted by Dave , Peters best friend .

"Ma man" he yells with his arms wide open as he starts to walk closer. Peter laughs and they both hug each other.

"Dude what's up no calls , no messages, come on ... " he says with a disappointed look on his face ...

"No cell service so that was not going to happen at all.. sorry man , but I told you it would happen "

"Yeah true " he says looking up as if to remember. Then he looks at me with his eyes like daggers " hey Tess "...

"Hm... hi Dave" ... Dave is our schools bad boy , anything go wrong ... We already know Dave did it ... sleeping with girls , vanderlism , stealing , hacking , I am sure there are others we don't know of ...

The Bell goes and we have to go to our separate classes , I hug Peter one last time ... "I'll see you at lunch and we'll talk " he wispers in my ear as i am about to start heading off ...

"No hugs for me ?" Dave asks with a smirk ...

" uh .. no Dave, sorry " I say laughing a little as I start walking away .

Hey guys .... I'm backkkkk😋 missed u 😜okay so this is the new book , I hope u all love it 😍😍😍....

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