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Gentle humming could be heard from a young woman as she walked towards the little building that served both what everyone called a "Witchy Store" and as her home. As she approached the wooden door, she reached for the lanyard at her side and yanking it from her jeans pocket and looked through the keys attached to a small key ring. Finding the key she was looking for, she reached out and started to unlock the door as howling and barking started up from inside the building. "Yes baby girl, I'm home!" She called out to the animal inside, a chuckle escaping her as she opened the door to reveal a dog who was bouncing around with her stump of a tail attempting to wag, but it only succeeds in moving her rump back and forth. "Hey, sweetheart!" She said as she patted her stomach to encourage the pup to jump up on her. Her front legs lifted off the ground and she began to give the young woman the slobberest kisses she had ever given, "Hi, yes, mommy's home!" She kissed her wet nose before she landed back on the ground, leaving her to turn to close the door behind her, and the dog ran ahead of her to the kitchen located in the back of the building to sit by her food bowl. "Alright, give me a minute to get your food." She told her as she walked over to the counter where she set her keys down, walked over to the fridge, opened the door and pulled out a bag filled with the food she had planned on giving the dog today. "Alright Rosilynn, here's your dinner." The young woman smiled as she lifted up Rosilynn's bowl to put her meal in. Once all parts of the raw food were in the bowl (parts that were made up of raw chicken thighs, spinach, berries, chicken hearts and a single fish), she set it down and Rosilynn began to mow down on it. "Chew your food." The young woman told the dog who looked at her before wagging the stump of her tail and returning to the food. Sighing heavily the young woman lifted her face to the ceiling, closed her eyes, and leaned against the counter. Another long week has passed...Give it one more week and the shipment I ordered last week will come in. Wait, She opened her eyes as a sudden thought crossed her mind. Did I remember to order the tea leaves? She asked as she walked out to the part that was her shop and pulled out the order logs. Placing the rather overfilled binder upon the counter in the shop, the young woman looked over the recent orders she had made and let out a sound of relief when she saw that she had ordered. Okay, now I feel better. She hummed to herself as she turned to another page and began marking down the next things she would have to order. Biting her lower lip, she began writing things down as the door to the shop opened, the bell above the door rang and she was quick to speak. "Welcome to Botanica Magica, where we carry all herbs and ingredients you will ever need for whatever you plan. We are currently out of White Sage, but I have an order coming in next week." She told the person without looking up, "How may I may your day more magical?" She asked as the person frowned.

"What not going to greet an old friend, Lunaria?" The voice spoke up as the woman, now known as Lunaria, looked up to see someone she hadn't see in years, walking up to the counter where she was standing.

"I would but I'm kinda in the middle of something at the moment." She told him as he clicked his tongue. "What do you want anyway? The only time you come to bother me is if your High-Priestess is out of something. What is it this time?" She asked returning to writing down the things she needed to order the next day.

"Rosemary and Lavender." He said as she pointed to the furthest wall away from her.

"Third shelf down is the bags of rosemary, and the fifth shelf up, the third basket is the bags of Lavender." She said as he walked over to grab the ingredients. He walked back over and she stopped writing to pull up the price for both. "With the High-Priestess's discount, your total comes to fifty-seven dollars and thirty-nine cents." She said as he handed her his card. She charged the card and handed it back to him as she grabbed the two bags and put them in a bigger bag and handed him that as well, just as Rosilynn came walking out to lay behind the counter in her bed.

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