chapter 1

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Gracies P.O.V

My name is Gracie Fedra. When I was born I was put up for adoption. A woman named Laura Fedra had adopted me when I was six months old. My father died when I was around 10 years old. I have always asked her to go out on a date again or to sign up to a dating website but she has always said no. I don't really mind though because I think she is best on her own. She is independent, strong, smart and loyal. She has been my idol since the day she adopted me.

“Morning darling.” Mum said as I sat at the table.

“Morning Mum.” I replied.

“You ready for your first day of Year 11?” Mum replied with a smirk.

“No.” I muttered.

“Cheer up buttercup.” Mum sang.

“I’m trying! Anyway, I’m gonna go have a shower.” I grunted.

“Ok honey.” 

I dragged myself up the stairs and to my shower. I turned on the hot water and stepped in. I let the hot water calm and relax myself. I let it run down from the tip of my head to the end of my toes. I brushed my teeth slowly feeling the warmth of the shower made my body tingle. After brushing my teeth, I hopped out and wrapped a towel around my now freezing body. I ran into my bedroom, which was right next to the bathroom. I picked out a presentable outfit from my wardrobe, which consisted of a cute white-collar shirt, and a brown knitted jumper, which wasn't too heavy as it was Autumn. I paired them with light blue jeans and black sneakers. I quickly curled my blonde hair and tied it up in a ponytail. I checked myself in the mirror and gave a quick nod before heading out my room.

“Mum?” I yelled downstairs.

“Yes baby?” She replied.

“Do you mind putting some bread in in the toaster?” I asked.

“Nope, chucking some in now!” Mum yelled.

“Thanks Mum!”

 So my breakfast is done. Now I have to gather all my new schoolbooks, make some lunch, pack my bag, and fill my water bottle all in under 15 minutes.

“Why did I have to take such a long shower?” I muttered to myself.

 Luckily all my books were in my Mum’s study. That made one task a hell of a lot easier. I flew down the stairs to make my lunch. I made a peanut butter sandwich and shoved a banana in my lunchbox. While I was in the kitchen I also grabbed my water bottle. I turned on the tap and filled it up as fast as I could. I ran back upstairs to collect my books and my school bag and then ran back down. I threw my books, lunchbox and water bottle into my bag.

“See ya later Mum!” I yelled to her stepping through the front door. I heard the faint reply of Mum saying goodbye as I ran to my bus stop. When I got there, out of breath and coughing, I checked my watch and did a legit face palm. I still had 7 minutes until my bus came. I sat down on the bus stop seat and pulled out my phone. I checked my Facebook, Instagram and Twitter before returning to the real world. I looked around and saw a guy standing up almost two steps away from me. He was staring intently at me. As I stared back he looked away and blushed.

 “Hi.” I said. Starting small talk.

“Hi.” He said nervously.

“Are you catching the bus to Edbington High School?” I asked curiously. 

“Yup.” He replied with a smile.

“Cool, what Year are you in?”

“Starting Year 11.”

“Really? Me too!” I said surprised.

“Awesome!” He replied grinning from ear to ear.

“I’ll hopefully see you around school.” I said as the bus was coming around the corner.

“Same to you.”

 I hopped on the bus and took a seat up near the back. It was a 10-minute bus ride to school. Not many people caught my bus. The guy sat opposite me. It hit me then that I hadn’t even asked what his name was!

“So, what’s your name?” I asked.

“Harry Styles. Your name?”

“Gracie Fedra.” I replied.

“Nice name.” He replied. He wasn't like any of the other boys in my year. He seemed kind. Something that most of the boys lack.

“Thanks.” I replied smiling. Ok, I admit, he definitely is not bad looking. He had curly brown hair and sparkling green eyes. He was wearing a black hoodie and marone colored jeans with white converse. I would say that he is very very cute. I soon realized that I had been staring him up and down. And it was completely obvious. I turned red as a tomato and looked out the window. I decided the best thing to do to avoid more embarrassment was to count how many white cars there were. When I arrived at school I had counted 54 white cars. I stepped out of the bus and went to homeroom. As it turned out Harry Styles was in the same homeroom as me. When I saw him walk in I honestly could not contain the grin that threatened to take over my face. Yet again I experienced his beauty. He came and plopped himself on the chair next to me.

“Hi again.” He chuckled.

His laugh was so cute. He had dimples. Damn you Harry.  

“H-Hey.” I stuttered.

“You alright?” He asked concerned.

“I’m f-fine.” I replied. C’mon Gracie get a hold of yourself.

“You sure?” He asked again.


Just as Harry was about to say something Mrs. Goolerad interrupted.

“Good morning class. I want to welcome all new students attending Edbington High School. We will start this morning with name call.” Mrs. Goolerad announced. She went through all the names and only one person was absent. She went on to introduce Harry to the rest of the class. As he sat back down in his seat he slid me a note. I opened it and this is what it read:

Gracie Fedra,

I know this may seem strange but would you like to come to the library with me and we can study after school? It’s completely ok if you can’t or do not want to.


Harry Styles .x

 Reading this note made my heart melt. I know I have only just met him but I have already developed the biggest crush on him. I wrote on the back of the note and slid it back onto his desk. He looked over and grinned. In my messy handwriting I had scribbled ‘sounds great, coffee first?’ The bell rang for the end of homeroom and Harry and I parted ways… until next period. It so happens that Harry does Math at the same time I do on a Monday. So, yet again he plopped himself in the desk next to me.

“We meet again.” Harry said.

“Yes, yes we do.” I replied.

“What class do you have next?” He asked.


“I’ll see you next period as well then.” A smile crept up onto his face.

“No way.” I said breathless.

“Yes way.”

I looked at him in complete and utter shock. Is this a dream?

“No it’s not.” Harry smirked.

“I just said that out loud, didn't I?” I asked. I placed my hands over my face in embarrassment.

“Yup.” He replied

I laughed. Not because of anything he said just because of how nervous I am around him. So being in the same class 3 times in a row is not going to help.

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