chapter 3

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Harrys P.O.V

I woke up this morning with a jolt. Then I had a flashback to our coffee... date? Would that even be classified as a date? I need to stop asking myself these questions. I get ready quickly and run to the bus stop hoping to see Gracie. Yet again, when I arrived, I was blown away by her beauty. She hadn't noticed me yet. She was reading a book. I crossed the road to the bus stop and creeped up behind her. 

"Guess who!" I laughed, as I covered her eyes with my hands.

"Um, Maddy?" She giggled. 

"Damn it, you got me!" We both laughed. 

She turns to look at me and her blue eyes sparkle. 

"Do you have a boyfriend?" I blurt out. I surprised myself because I didn't even know I was going to say this. My cheeks turned a crimsom red as I turned away. I knew the answer of course, I just didn't want to hear it.

"Um, no." She replied. 

"W-what?" Well that wasn't the answer I was expecting, but it sure as hell, makes me a lot happier. 

"I don't have a boyfriend. Why?" She looks at me with such curiosity that it hurts.

"N-no r-reason." I stutter.

 "Ok." She was grinning. The toothy grin that I find really adorable.

"So, are you looking forward to any subjects today?" Gracie asked.

"Well, I'm looking forward to Maths." I choked out. 

"Oh really, why?" She asked.

"Because you're there." I replied. Why do I keep saying things that I dont mean to say out loud?! They keep tumbling from my mouth and I don't have any control over them. 

"Oh really?" She asked with a warm smile. 

"Yeah." I replied. This time on purpose. 

"Oh well, thanks." She seemed lost for words.

Thankfully the bus comes into sight and we both stand up. The doors open and Gracie hops on first.

"Did you really mean all of that?" She asked seriously.

"Yes." I answered clearly and honestly.

"I'm sorry but I don't know what to say. Noones ever asked me if I have a boyfriend." She said shyly.

"Have you ever had a boyfriend? Like in you entire life?" I asked.

"No." She replied obviously embarrased.

"If it makes you feel any better, I've never had a girlfriend." I laughed.

"Really?" She asked, suprised.

"Uh, yeah. Also since we're on this topic..." I can't stop my mouth from moving, "Would you like to be my girlfriend?" What have you done Harry. What have you done. 

"Well u-um," She stutters, "Y-ye-yes." She replied. 

"What?" I asked in disbelief.

"Well, I know we have only known each other for a day, but I have never felt like this about someone before and you treat me well." She replied with the toothy grin I have come to love. 

"Oh wow, you're my girlfriend." I said.

She laughs. 

"What?" I asked again for what seemed like the 8th time. 

"I don't know what you could possibly like about me." She stated. 

"Everything." Yet again, I had no control over my mouth.

"Thanks." She replied sheepishly.

We made it to school early. For the rest of the bus ride we got to know each other a lot more. We have a lot of things in common. One being that we both love to read. As we make our way into the school gates I wrap my arm around her back protectively. I don't know why, but whenever she's not with me I become very anxious. She looks up at me with a soft smile. We part ways to our lockers only briefly before we come back together for homeroom. On the way to homeroom, we chat about our families. 

"Do you have any brothers or sisters?" I asked.

"Not momentarily, no." She laughs.

We enter homeroom and Gracie recieves a few glares from a few girls. I can't possibly think of a reason that they would want to glare at her. She doesn't seem to notice, so I just shake it off. 

"Good morning students, would anyone like to read out the notices for today?" Mrs. Goolerad announced. 

"I will!" A girl about my age replied. Woah, this girl was absolutely stunning.

"Thanks, Nicole." Mrs. Goolerad smiled.

As she read out the notices I couldn't stop staring at her. She was beautiful, but not as beautiful as Gracie. I looked beside me to see Gracie looking off into the distance. Had she caught me staring? Being a boyfriend is hard work and it's only been less than an hour. 

Gracies P.O.V

I looked over at Harry only to see him staring at Nicole. Nicole was apart of the popular group. The one that wears too much makeup, you know, that type of group. I continued to look over at him but he never once looked at me, only Nicole. So much for being girlfriend and boyfriend. I looked away, blinking rapidly. You can't cry now Gracie, you've only just met him, pull yourself together. The bell rang gesturing the end of class. I walked as fast as I could out of there only to realise that I had Maths next. I sighed and walked to class. When I arrived, Harry was already there, concern filling his features. He looked up and saw me in the doorway and a flood of relief washed over him. I could tell. 

"Look, I'm sorry." He said sincerley.

I grunted something inaudible and grabbed my Maths book out.

"Okay class, today we are doing individual work. No talking whatsoever." Mr. Raynold announced.

I silently thanked Mr. Raynold and got on with my work. I worked hard and before I knew it class was over. Everyone scurried to the next class, including me. I had English next, my favourite subject. I sat down in an empty seat as I watched my classmates fill the rest of the seats.

"Today we are doing partner work, I have put you into pairs so please get together with your partner." Mrs. Elle spoke. 

She went throuh a couple of names before she announced my partner.

"Sam and Gracie." She said.

I thanked her for not putting me with Nicole.

"Hey." Sam said.

"Hi." I replied.

We continued to do our work until the bell rang signalling the start of recess. 

I packed up my things and headed towards my locker, but I did not prepare myself for what I saw next...

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