Hot Coca

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Chanyeol manages to calm me down a little after a few minutes, reassuring me that he thinks I'm worth it and that's all that matters. That he would never leave me.

He pulls me off the ground and leads me over to our small setup. He sits me down in my favorite chair and pulls his as close as he can to mine. He wraps an arm around my shoulder, pulling me in as close as possible.

We sit there, enjoying the view and making lighthearted, calm conversation. He doesn't stop complaining about how cold it is, even though it's warmer than yesterday. A final, large gust of wind pushes him over the edge.

He bursts up from his chair, "this is enough! I'm not letting us sit out here any longer! We don't deserve to catch a cold!" He exclaims in a rather overdramatic tone. He leans over, wraps his arms behind by back, and pulls me out of my seat. He throws me over his shoulder and proceeds to make it about two feet before he puts me down.

Looking exhausted, he lets out a huff of air and grabs my hand, leading me inside rather than carrying me. I intertwine my fingers with his, rubbing my thumb up and down his large hands. He jerks the dysfunctional door open, leads me down the stairs, through the long hallway, and to the door to our apartment.

He swiftly takes the key card out of his pocket and unlocks the door leading to our home. He lightly pulls me into the narrow corridor, closing the door behind me.

We both slip our shoes off as we hear the light click-clack of our dog's nails on the wooden stairs. Toben is barreling down the stairs leading to our loft, losing control of his speed. He stops too abruptly and smashes directly into the wall in front of him.

Chanyeol and I let out a soft chuckle. It gets a little less entertaining every time he does it. Just like everything, right?

He guides me to the kitchen and helps me sit up on the counter. He turns and takes two mugs from the cabinet, along with two packets of instant hot chocolate. He measures the water to powder mix as best as his clumsy body will let him and puts both the cups in the microwave for the designated time.

He spins back to me, wrapping his long arms tightly around my waist and burying his face into my chest. As he walks closer to me, his waist finds it's familiar spot in between my legs. The embrace is very lazy and warm against the cool air.

Shortly after I wrap my arms underneath his, he begins to rub my back at a very calming and sweet pace. He slowly picks his head up and his eyes meet mine. We smile at each other for a few seconds before his lips meet mine. The microwave beeps for attention behind us. "Don't worry about it" he says in between kisses.

The slow, soft sensation of his lips on mine makes the sweet moment even sweeter. The nice moment is ended by his hands finding a way under my legs. He lifts me off the counter, taking a second to stabilize the both of us. He walks the two of us to the couch and lays me down gently, towering over me. He retreats his lips from mine, looks into my eyes, and plants a quick kiss on my nose followed by a playful smirk.

He climbs off of me and walks across the large room to retrieve something from the storage closet. Such a tease. He returns with a huge blanket and drapes it over me, letting out a loud chuckle as he sees the annoyance in my face.

He abandons me once more to grab the Cocoa drinks from the microwave. He slowly walks the two steaming drinks from the kitchen to the living room and sets them both carefully on the coffee table in between us.

Rather than walking around the short surface, he places one foot on the wood and the other on the couch. He steps completely over and pulls at the blanket and pushes me until he can get underneath the heavy comforter. Toben jumps up to join us, situating himself in the small nook in between Chanyeol and I.

We sit there for about an hour, both uncontrollably hot from the huge comforter and our body heats, yet not moving. The TV is whispering quietly in the background, running through all it's shitty day shows.

A sudden screech of Chanyeol's alarm goes off, causing him to untangle himself from the mess of blanket and limbs and run to the kitchen counter. "I'm gonna be late for practice! Kasper's gonna kill me!" The lanky man shouts as he races up the stairs to find clothes suitable for his every-other-day dance practice.

Now comes the fun part.

I whip out my phone and start the stop watch, making sure to add the ten seconds I missed.

One minute.
Two minutes.

In almost exactly 6 minutes (6 minutes and 58 seconds), he races back downstairs, gives me a quick, rather violent kiss, pats toben on the head, grabs his keys, phone, and wallet, and bolts out the door.

Less than ten seconds later, he bursts back into the apartment. "How'd I do?"
"Six minutes, fifty eight seconds."
"What was my record?"

He slams the door shut, and I can hear him half-stomping-half-running down the corridor of our apartment building.

I'm left in a big apartment, without my big guy. I turn to Toben. At least I still have my little guy. I give the tiny dog a good rub before I get up to clean the dishes and figure out what to do until he gets back.

• • •

After an hour of moping around, I decide to take my little guy on a walk. Not a long walk, maybe just down the street to check out the art festival.

I shower myself, put on my most 'I have an aesthetic blog on tumblr and I go to art school' outfit, put Toben's parka on his tiny body, leash him up, and we head out.

Fix You (Chanyeol x Suicidal Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now