Chapter 5: Date?

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Scarlet's P.O.V. *Edited*
I woke up to an empty bed. Soon the memories from last night came rushing to me. I soon get out of bed and stretch. I grab my phone and see what time it is. 12:00 p.m. it read. Well then. I quickly get dressed into a cropped hoodie that said 'lazy', denim shorts, and black and white converse. I put my hair up into a messy bun, grabbed my phone and headed to the kitchen. Once I got there I saw the scariest thing in the world. Lesley about to murder my slice of pizza... I run to where he is and slap his hand. Before the pizza falls I quickly grab it and walk out of the room with a hair flip.
Sebastian P.O.V
I try to hold in my laughter but I ended up chuckling "That's why you don't come in-between her and food." I open the fridge door and quickly grab an apple. I soon make my way to the dinning room and sit across from Scarlet. "Yo Scar how's life?" I ask.

"Absolutely wonderful." She replies sarcasm in her voice. I chuckle a bit she hasn't changed a bit. Soon we just started to talk about random things.
Jace's P.O.V.
(A/N you didn't think I would do his P.O.V. Did you? x3)
I went to the kitchen to find some food to eat. When I heard Scarlets and Sebastians voices. I ended up eavesdropping. "Hey Scar wanna go out tonight?" I heard Sebastian ask.

"Yea, sure" I heard Scar reply eagerly. As she did I felt my stomach do something weird. Was I jealous? What no that's impossible I barely even known her. Soon I just raced up the stairs to my room and locked the door. I ended up shedding a tear but, as I did I quickly wiped it away. I knew she wouldn't like me after I didn't kiss her yesterday but, I just couldn't. I need to be strong.
Scarlets P.O.V.
Soon me and Seb left to go to the mall to go shopping and then later we're going to go for dinner. "Yo, Seb how much longer?" I ask being annoyed that it's taking so long.

"In about five minutes." He replied and I groaned. Soon we were at the mall and shopping for a dress for me. Then my eyes landed on

That. Sebastian noticed.

"Go try it on" he said and I rushed over to it and went to the changing rooms. It was perfect. I quickly change back into my regular clothes and rush to Sebastian. We quickly payed for it and went to the food court. We ended up getting pizza. I look at the time and realize it's 5:00 o'clock.

"We should probably get going." I say and we walk back to his car. 15 minutes later we arrive at the gang house. We soon walk in talking and I saw something I wish I didn't ever see. Jace was kissing a girl I had never seen before. Tears welled up in my eyes, but I didn't know why I had barley even met the guy and I was feeling like this. I then ran upstairs while Sebastian followed after me, he looked at me a little confused but sympathetic. I started to cry he came over to me and started to comfort me. I cried into his chest.

"Hey it's ok." His soothing voice said. "You know what would make you feel better?" He asked with one eyebrow up.

"What?" I ask confusion in my voice.

"A party. I was invited to one and it's tonight in like one hour." He said a smirk plastered on his face.

"Ok" as I say that he rushes out the room. I chuckle and start to get ready. I look through the closet and decided on

 I look through the closet and decided on

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That dress. I quickly put it on with a very little bit on mascara, and I curl the tips of my hair. I grab my phone and walk downstairs but, me being unlucky I found Jace in the kitchen. Once I entered I found him checking me out. I just roll my eyes and grab an apple.

"Where are you going?" Jace questioned.

"Somewhere." I simply answer and walk out. I find Sebastian and we walk to his car. We got in and drove to the person's house it was a quiet ride. Once we got there I realized whos house it is. I gasp as she walked out the door.
A/N I love writing cliffhangers. Like and comment also if I make any spelling errors please comment so I can fix them ASAP. Thanks Chow for now random human beings. P.S. this is meh fav emoji 😊.

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