Chapter 13: Question

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Scarlet's P.O.V. *Edited*
I woke up to see that Jace wasn't beside me.  I sighed and decided to get dressed I quickly grabbed, black skinny jeans, a black baggy shirt with 'Im not a morning person' written on it in white, and a pair of brownish colored uggs. I went into the bathroom and took a quick shower. I quickly dressed into the outfit and put Dutch braids in my hair. I walk out of the bathroom and see Jace talking on the phone. He saw me and hung up the phone. He moved closer to me.

"Scar I'm going to another meeting except this one is going to be more boring then the other one so, here's my credit card, buy yourself whatever you want." He explains handing me his credit card. I just nodded. "I'm going to leave now see you later," he mumbled and kissed the top of my head. Once he left I grabbed my phone and went outside. I started to walk along the sidewalk where I spotted a diner. I decided to eat there since I haven't ate breakfast yet. I enter the diner and it has this homey feeling to it. I absolutely loved it. Once I order I see my mom. enter. I let out an annoyed sigh and put my head down hopping she wouldn't see me alone. I did not want to talk to her right now but I wonder why she's here. Once I got my food I quickly devoured it and left. I start walking and see this good store so I went in and got myself a random black baggy hoodie with the word 'pink' written on it in white. Once I pay for it I put it on and continue my journey. I soon spot an icecream parlor and walk in and order a cookie n' cream ice cream cone. Once I get it I see the cashier write something on the napkin as he hands me it I could see numbers. Wow he gave me his number, typical guys. I start walking again on the streets passing many people and eating my ice cream. After one hour I decide to head back to the hotel. As I arrive I spot Jace's car I guess he's back. I walk in to find him talking on the phone with someone.

"You cannot have her back she's mine now!" He remarked angerly. I wonder who he's talking to? "You gave her to me and you won't be getting her back," he declared. I soon enter the room and he spots me. He quickly mumbles a 'we'll talk about this later' and hung up the phone. He smiled at me and I just put my bags down.

"So what did you buy?" He asked.

"Just some clothes and food," I reply, and he nods his head.
I decided not to question him about who he's was talking to. We ended up going out for dinner at a fancy restaurant called Candle 79. Later we decided to take a walk on the shore of the beach named Sunrise Paradise. As we were walking Jace grabbed my arm and pulled me closer to his hard chest. He put his forehead onto mine. I could fell his minty breath on my face as he breathed. He looked at me a land smiled a genuine smile, where you could see his single dimple on the right side of his cheek. He soon pulled away and sat on one knee. He pulled out a box from his suit jacket.

"Scarlet I know that when we first met it wasn't under good circumstances," he started and I chuckled a bit. "But over time I have come to like you more and more so I was uh, wondering, Scarlet will you be my girlfriend?" He proposed staring into my eyes. "Uh, was that too cheesy for you , I knew I shouldn't of listened to my sister," he rambled on.

"Yes, I'll be your girlfriend," I say as soon as those words left my mouth his eyes widened in suprise. I chuckled a bit and then he stood up. Soon our lips were smashed together and moving in sync. I could feel sparks and fireworks as we kissed. Soon we both pulled away gasping for air after that we start walking back to the hotel holding hands and smiling like idiots to ourselves. We got back and both changed into our pajamas. We decided to watch some movies so I went and made the popcorn. Once I was done I walked back into the room and found Jace sitting on the couch. I sat down next to him and he put his arm around my shoulder. I started to eat popcorn as Jace puts the first movie in which surprisingly was The Notebook. I have only watched it once and I didn't cry. At the end of the movie Jace was crying, I looked at him like he was crazy and I started to laugh.

"What?" He asks sounding confused.

"Y-your crying," I stutter in-between laughs. He glared at me and then a mischievous grin crept onto his face as he wiggled his eyebrows. He walked closer to me and started to tickle me. I started to laugh even harder.

"S-stop please!" I begged while laughing.

"You have to say 'Jace your the bestest boyfriend in the world," he smirked.

"Fine! Jace your the bestest boyfriend in the world," I repeat. "Not," I mumble after.

"Your forgiven," he started clearly not knowing I said not at the end. We soon were laying on the couch falling asleep.


A/N how was the chapter? I'm bored and I don't know what to say so please vote, and comment! Chow for now random human beings. ❤

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