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•~Mika's P.O.V~•

We all turned our heads as the front gates opened, revealing a young, angry looking male.

'Makoto...' René muttered.

He walked in, glaring daggers at everyone he past. He stopped.

'Tch. This place hasn't changed at all. So many losers just hanging around. This school used to be better. Now it's just sh*t.' He said.

A lot of people looked down. Others stared at him in shock. He continued walking towards the principles office.

'What a jerk.' I heard Yuu murmur.

*Ding Dong*

'Well, we better head off to class. See ya after school.' Lacus said, walking away with René.

'Bye!' Shinoa called, walking off with Mistuba right behind.

We waved to them and walked to our next class. We walked in and sat down at our desks.

'What's that guy's problem?' Yuu growled.

'I don't know, but I'm getting bad vibes from him.' Kimizuki said.

'Something else must of happened to change him.' Yoichi muttered.

'Let's not pry into it too much. We can discuss it with Lacus and René after school's over.' I said.

The teacher came in and started up class. It was a long lesson.

*Time Skip schools over*

'Man. That was as boring as ever.' Yuu sighed, stretching his arms.

'Now that schools over, let's find Lacus and René.' I said, getting up.

They got up and we left to room. We were walking to the gates when none other than Makoto showed up.

'Makoto?' We asked.

He looked up at us, glaring.

'Tch. Thought you were someone else.' He muttered.

I noticed something off. He wasn't glaring at all of us. I turned my head and saw Yuu glaring back at him.

'Can't believe I didn't recognise you before now.' Yuu growled.

'Yeah. Been a long time, hasn't it.' Makoto growled back.

'Yuu-kun? You know him?' Yoichi asked.

'Yeah. Remember when I told you about the whole night gang? He was apart of it. You didn't care what happened to others. You just wanted to have fun.' Yuu said, anger etched into his face.

'Ha! I only attack cause I'm bored. You just so happened to be around. Along with your little friends.' Makoto smirked.

'Shut up! You're lucky they didn't die, you bastard!' Yuu yelled.

'They were the idiots who walked into our territory.' Makoto smirk grew  wider.

I just stared at them in shock.

'I should've done what I did to them to you long ago.' Makoto said.

He put his hand into his pocket and pulled out a pocket knife. But, it was different. It seemed to be...

'Glowing?' I heard Yoichi ask.


We turned our heads to see Lacus and René running towards us.

'RUN NOW!' Lacus yelled.

'Tch. Too late.' Makoto said.

He ran at Yuu, knife ready. Yuu stumbled a bit, but dodged his attack. Makoto swung his knife again, grazing Yuu's arm. The tip went deep enough to  draw blood. Yuu flinched at the contact and jumped back, holding his arm.

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