Silent And Lost Memory

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Yes, Kimizuki came home. Mirai is staying in his room for now, but, I'm not really gonna mention her much. Enjoy!

•~Yuu's P.O.V~•

I woke up in a strange place. I looked around and saw a blonde sleeping next to me. I was very confused. I tried to wake up the blonde but he just sank into the cushions. I sighed and got up, wondering around the room. I opened my mouth to call out hello, but nothing came out. I tried to speak, but couldn't say a thing. I sighed in defeat and walked to the door. I opened it, walking out into the front yard. I closed the door behind me and started walking away. I looked back at the house, which looked like a mansion. I stared in awe before turning back and heading down the road. I didn't know where I was honing, but my legs were taking me somewhere. I let them take me and I walked around the town for awhile, staring at the different shops. I finally reached the place my legs wanted me to go, in which I walked in and followed my instincts...

•~Mika's P.O.V~•

Waking up, I noticed I had sunken in the cushion. I got up and turned around.

'Yuu-chan?! Where is he?!' I yelled, staring at the empty spot.

I looked around, checking the kitchen, all around the living room, his room and even the bathroom. But, there was no trace.

'Crap! Where the hell did he go?!' I yelled.

I guess I woke up the other 2 as they opened their doors and stared at me.

'What's going on?' Yoichi yawned.

'You better not have woken me up for a bad reason.' Kimizuki growled.

'Yuu-chan's gone!' I yelled.

Yoichi stared at me with shock and Kimizuki just sighed, shaking his head in disbelief.

'Get dressed, Yoichi. You to, Mika. We need to go out and find him. I have two ideas in where he could be.' Kimizuki said, walking back into his room.

Yoichi went back into his room and I, Yuu's room. I kept spare clothes here as I slept over often. I grabbed some clothes and walked out, seeing a dressed and ready Kimizuki. Yoichi came out an we headed outside. Locking the house behind us, we started down the street. I got a call from Lacus.

Mika Lacus


Hey! How's Yuu going?


What? Did something happen?

Yeah... he's actually missing right now...


Not so loud! And yes. Could you help us search for him?

Of course

Thanks. Also, could you check the park? Kimizuki, Yoichi and I are checking the music shop

K! See ya later!


I hung up and we were in front of the music shop. We were about to walk in when we saw Akane.

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