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*6 years later, Yuu's P.O.V~•

'Mika! I need your help! Yuumi and Chiela are making a mess of the living room!' I called, trying to catch two little kids.

Mika came into the room and grabbed Yuumi, Chiela ducking under. I grabbed her before she could do anymore damage.

'Jeez. I leave the room for like 10 minutes and they go crazy. What are we gonna do with you two?' Mika said, booping Yuumi's nose.

He let out a chuckle as Mika place him on the lounge. I did the same with Chiela.

'Well, it seems you two are going great.' Someone chuckled.

'Does it really look like that, Shinya?' I asked, turning to face him.

'Uncle-Shinya!' Chiela and Yuumi both yelled, running over to him.

'I think I'm gonna call Yoichi for help.' I sighed.

I picked up my phone and called Yoichi's number.

Me Yoichi Other


Hey Yoichi! I was wondering if you could help with kids



Hey Yoki! Zuchi!

Get back here!

Guessing you're also having trouble?

Yeah... maybe call Shinoa-san and Mitsuba-san

K. See ya



'Well, I'm gonna regret this...' I sighed as I dialled Shinoa's number.

Me Shinoa Other

Hey Yuu-san! Need help with your kids?


Sorry, can't help

Come back here, Shimi! Sunoa!

Seems like Mitsuba is having trouble

Yeah... try calling Lacus and René

K... bye



I dialled up Lacus's number, hoping I'd get some advise.

Me Lacus Other

Hey Yuu!

Hey Lacus

Need help?

Yep. Any advise on kids?

No sorry. But, René might. Hey, René! Yuu's on the phone!

Yuu! Yuu!

Lare! Necus! Sorry, Yuu

It's fine

Anyway. I don't have any tips, but search some up. It helped me last time, so, it might help you. That's all I can say. Bye!



'Ok then.' I murmured, grabbing a laptop from nowhere.

'Shinya! Get Yuumi before he grabs the cat again!' Mika yelled, grabbing Chiela.

'On it!' Shinya replied, running after little Yu.

'Yuu! Help us!' Mika yelled.

'Alright,' I sighed, standing up. 'Yuumi! Chiela! Do you wanna hear a song?'

'Yes!' They replied, running towards me.

I led the way to the grand piano and sat down, ready to play.

They clapped as I finished the song. They ran over to me and I pi led them up, carrying them to their bedroom.

'I'll sing you a song as long as you fall asleep, ok?' I said, placing them down in their beds.

'Ok!' They smiled at me.

'Mika! Shinya! Get in here! We'll sing the song we've been working on!' I called.

They came in, Shinya with a violin, as he learned to play.

All Through the Night
All the stars' twinkles say,
All through the night,
"This is the way to the realm of glory,"
All through the night.
Darkness is a different light
That exposes true beauty,
The Heavenly family in peace,
All through the night.
O, how cheerful smiles the star,
All through the night.
To light its earthly sister,
All through the night.
Old age is night when affliction comes,
But to beautify man in his late days,
We'll put our weak light together,
All through the night.

They fell asleep as we finished singing. We sighed in relief and walk to our room.

'Night guys.' I yawned, falling onto my bed.

'Night.' Shiny replied, getting into his bed.

'Night.' Mika said, getting into our shared bed and wrapping his arms around me.

'You still do that.' I murmured, relaxing into his embrace.

'And you still love it.' He smiled, kissing my fire head.

I looked up at him and smiled. He smiled back, not before kissing me on the lips. I kissed back and we stayed like that for awhile till we needed air again.

'Goodnight, and sweet dreams, Yuu-chan.' Mika murmured.

'You too, Mika...' I replied, sleep taking over both of us...

The End!

What did ya think? Was it good or bad? I hope you liked it. Have an awesome day/night!
Kitty-chan out! (/^-^)/ ❤️💛💚💙💜💕💞💓💗💖

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