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Bianca's P.O.V:

"B, I have to tell you somethig else too." Julie continued for Ana. There was already tears in my eyes. I'm so ready to cry out my heart. "What is it?"

"We're just fucking with you." Ana started laughing, so did Julie. I got so annoyed. "You should've seen your face."

"Why would you do that? I actually was about to cry." I asked. "Ana just fainted because she's allergic to cats. She didn't even know that." Julie answered.

"You are both so annoying." I raised my voice then walked out. I'm super annoyed at them, like come on. That's so childish but I have to admit, I'll do the same thing. I decided to go for a walk then spaced out.

"Watch where you're going," an angry manly voice spoke. I didn't even bother looking up. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it." I just walked around him and kept walking.

Why do I keep bumping into people, I really need to start looking at where I'm going. My phone rang, I picked up. "Come back B, I'm sorry." Ana apologized. "It's fine, I'm coming back now." I hanged up.

"So you're allergic to cats?" I asked Ana. She nodded then I started cracking up. I have no idea why I find it funny. Julie started laughing too, Ana just looked at us as if we're crazy. There was a knock. I opened the door.

"Can you guys keep it down?" A manly voice asked. It sounded like the guy that I bumped into. "You again?" He sounded irritated. I just looked at him.

"Hey, leave her alone." Julie walked up to the door and closed the door on the guy. Who does he think he is? I didn't do anything bad to him, I just accidentally bumped into him.

"Ana are you parents coming?" I asked. Ana just looked away, I knew what that meant. I just hugged her tightly. "I'm sorry, everything will be fine soon."

3 hours went by, the doctor told Ana that she has to stay overnight to see how she does. Turns out, Ana's not functioning well. She's currently sleeping right now. Tomorrow's Sunday so, no school.

"B, I have to go to this family event. I'm so sorry, I'll come once I get out of there." Julie informed me. I understood, I just nodded and she was out of the hospital. Julie's quite busy but she makes time for us.

I got hungry and I'm pretty sure Ana'll be super hungry once she wakes up so I went down to the cafeteria to get us food. I got myself some Panda Express and I got Ana salad. She needs to eat healthy and yes the hospital has Panda Express. Isn't that great?

"Why do I keep seeing you?" The same voice I heard earlier said. I turned towards the direction his voice was coming from, he was sitting at the lounge near Ana's room.

"I'll be gone tomorrow so you don't have to worry about me." I didn't want to be near such an arrogant guy anyways. I hurried back to Ana's room. Perfect timing, she just woke up.

"Hey sleeping beauty, I got you a salad." Ana just reached out to me to get her salad. Jesus, she's starving like hell. I would be too.

"B, I have something to tell you."

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