Chapter 16

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I examined myself in the mirror. I had technically finished getting ready thirty minutes ago, but every time I looked in the mirror I found something wrong with my appearance.

I straightened my tie and sighed. My pants looks abnormally wrinkled. This was my only clean pair. Maybe I should iron.

"Joey!" I heard Shane call through his home.

"Yes, Shane?"

"Are you ready?"

"No," I groaned, "Everything is wrinkled."

"You've ironed like ten times!"

"Twice!" I exclaimed.

"Just come out, you can't look that bad."

"No, just let me iron first."

"Nope, not a chance."

"Please, Shane! I can't go out in public like this."

"Joey," He said dully, "You could show up in a bikini and make it look socially acceptable. And you worried about a couple wrinkles?"

"Not just a couple! Like ten thousand!"

"Ten thousand?" I could almost hear him raise an eyebrow.

I turned my focus to the mirror again. I heard the slow click of a door unlocking, and I jumped back and slammed my head agains the wall. I groaned and rubbed it lightly.

"You're pathetic, Joey," Shane took out his hand and I took it. He pulled me off the ground, and I immediately rested against him. "You look amazing, though."

"Not to wrinkly?" I mumbled against him.

"If you iron it one more time it will be fitted to your body," He examined me, "Not that I'd mind."

I felt the blood rush to my cheeks, "Shane!" I squealed.

"You're so cute when you blush."

I nudged him with my shoulder, "Your always cute."

He smiled and my heart fluttered.

He held out his arm, "Shall we?"

"We shall," I said with a smile and took his arm.

He led me to the car, not once lowering his arm for a break. He looked so handsome. He wasn't really the kind of guy that everyone swooned for, but he was all that I could see. I don't know what it was that caused me to be so attracted to him. I loved his smile. I loved the curve of his mouth when I made him smile. I also loved his eyes. I loved the way they looked into mine. And I loved his hands. His hands feel so good wrapped around mine. And his laugh, his laugh sent my heart fluttering. But it was all of those things that made me love him. It wasn't just one thing that made me feel so strongly, it was all of him. It was all things Shane. And at this very moment it was more clear than ever-

I loved Shane Dawson. I loved him more than I loved anything in the world, and I would end my life to save his.

"What?" Shane's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.


"You keep looking at me."

"I'm just thinking about how insanely lucky I am."

He lowered his gaze, "No your not."

"Shane, yes I am-"

"No!" He shouted and snapped his arm away from mine, "No, your not. I'm putting you through hell, Joey! You shouldn't even be bothering with me! Fuck, Joey, I'm in love with someone else."

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