Chapter 4

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"Where there is love, there is life"

-Mahatma Gandhi


As soon as Rose had hastily shut the door to her apartment, RJ slumped his head onto the steering wheel and banged it repeatedly.

"Oh god." he grumbled as he pulled out of the curb and into the street.

Way to freak her out, RJ. You deserve a fucking metal.

The entire ride to his empty condo with his only furniture being his bed and a couple of coffee mugs, all he thought about was how to make it up to Rose. He sounded arrogant, like a smart ass. He seemed creepy, like a stalker.

And the last few words he said to her, made him want to kick himself.


Rose opened the door briskly and slammed it shut, leaning back against the solid cheery wood and closing her eyes, trying to take deep breaths

"Who the fuck was that!" screeched a voice, that made Rose jump out of her skin.

She opened her eyes to find Piper standing on the back of the couch which faces away from a window, her fingers holding the white blinds apart just enough to see the road.

"Jesus Christ, you scared the hell out of me." She breathed through ragged gulps.

"First of all, you said 'Jesus Christ' and 'hell' in the same sentence." she said holding up a finger, making Rose smile. "Second of all who is the hottie driving you home?" she pressed pointing out the window.

"Who? Him? That's my soccer coach."

"You said Whitety was short and bald" she raised an eyebrow.

"What? No, that's Coach Pruitt. He's new--"

"He's hot! And he drove you home." she squealed jumping off the couch to do a happy dance.

"It was raining, and he was making a polite gesture--"

"He was making a move!" she exclaimed, tugging Rose by the hands so that they went into the kitchen.

Their apartment isn't big: two bedrooms, two bathrooms, a small but useable kitchen, and a connecting living room. Piper and her met freshman year of college. They were in the same dorm and became close friends. Once they accumulated enough money Rose and Piper bought their own place.

Rose just rolled her eyes. "You always think every guys who is within arms distance is hitting on me, Pip." She said with a droll voice. She went to the fridge to grab a water and some grapes.

"That's because every guy does, and you are just oblivious to it." Piper sighed and took the grapes from Rose with a sly grin and popped one into her mouth. "Plus if I were you I'd snatch Coach Pruitt up ." she said grinning.

"We'll I am not you." Rose said with a laugh. "and thank goodness for that!" she smirked. "Aren't you dating Hudson, too?" She asked waving her water bottle towards her friend.

Piper shrugged. "I don't like labels and we're not official. And stop trying to change the subject!" Piper poked a finger towards Rose.

"Dammit." Rose muttered as Piper laughed mischievously. Rose took a seat at their breakfast table, taking a sip of water. "And I hope you realize that he's, like, thirty."

Piper scoffed. "I dated a guy 12 years older than me once. Your point?"

"What? When did this happen?" Rose squeaked.

"Not relevant. You haven't dated a guy in months. What are you so afraid of?"

Rose paused for a moment. She shuddered at the thought of her last boyfriend Danny.

Fucking creep.

Rose waved the thought away. "I'll go out with a guy when I'm ready."



Sorry guys, super short chapter. SO how do u like it??? I'm going to try my best to end the book within 20-30 chapters. I hope you guys are enjoying it. I LOVE Pipers boldness and spirit! And how did u guys like Whitey. What do you think about Danny? I'll try my best to describe the characters and please vote!


love paige <3

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