Chapter 6

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Hello my lovelies!!!

I have had so much more reads and likes than I initially expected! thank you sooooo much you guys are the BEST! So, who do u like best! I know most readers aren't really big in comments but I DARE YOU to give me at least one comment! Again thanks so much you guys!


"Stay With Me"

- Sam Smith


"Good practice, tonight." RJ said to her as she slipped into the car. They had been carpooling for six days total and still was Rose uncomfortable sitting next to someone so hot. It was undeniable. She was decked out in a huge baggy black Adidas sweatshirt, gray sweatpants and her white Chucks. After her shower she twisted her hair into a top knot and went straight to Coach Pruitt's car, not wanting to be rude by showing up late.

It's not like she didn't like spending time with him ,it was just that she felt intimidated. Whenever they spoke, it was about random and lame things like soccer, music, and sometimes embarrassingly enough the weather even. They liked similar music, and liked the same football teams, but other than that they were opposites.

When he stopped at a red light he would look over, and Rose would give a weak smile. He wouldn't smile back, just look back at the road.

"Oh, I got you something." RJ said as he pulled out of the parking lot. Rose leaned over to find him rummaging in the side pocket on the door, as he pulled out a CD. He held it out to her as she smiled, sincerely. Rose graciously took it from his hand.

" 'Rose's Pre- Game Mix' " she read aloud.

"Uh, yeah. I just put together all of the songs you like from my iPod, and it's just all in one ,ya know, CD." he shrugged, looking at the road. His dark blonde hair glistening from his shower.

"Thanks. This is . . . probably the nicest thing anyone has done for me. Thank you." She smiled, turning the disc over in her hand.

"You're welcome." he said looking at her for the first time she got in the car. He gave a heart melting smile and she smiled back. She looked down at the CD again, not knowing what else to say. "So," He says again.

"So," she repeated.

They stopped at a red light and he turned his entire body to look at her. She looked sideways at him. "Do you, um . . ."

She couldn't help but burst out laughing. He furrowed his brows. "What's so funny?" he asked.

Rose tried to catch her breath. "You just seem so . . . awkward. It doesn't really fit your whole 'big bad professor' act. You know?"

"My act?" he chuckled.

"Well yeah. I mean, your so intimidating. Your strong and attractive and your smart and huge. Like how tall are you? You're a frickin' giant. " she babbled on.

"You think I'm attractive?" he questioned incredulously.

She blushed bright red. "Well, who doesn't?" She cleared her throat.

He tilted his head at her and smiled, stepping on the gas as they pulled out of the intersection. "Let's play Truth or Dare." he said suddenly.

Rose snorted. "Um, okay." She looked at him like he was crazy, but reluctantly she agreed.

"Okay, truth or dare."


RJ thought for a minute, sarcastically stoking his chin, making Rose laugh. "Ahhhh, okay. Boyfriend?"

"Nope." she shook her head. "Your turn."


Rose smiled, and thought of something as they came to another stop. "I dare you . . . to get out of the car and hug that guy." she said pointing to a man to a man dressed as a hotdog holding the sign, bearing HAL'S HOTDOGS.

RJ grinned, and took one lay look at Rose as he opened the car door and jogged across the road. They were at a stop at an intersection so he had enough time.

Since RJ was so big, the Hotdog man. Backed up at first, then RJ gave him a hug and he gave a reassuring pat on his back. Then RJ lifted him up in the air and swung him around like he was Disney princess. Rose laughed so hard, as RJ gracefully put him down and ran back to the car.

Rose was laughing her ass off, as RJ grinned widely at her. "That was fucking hilarious!" she breathed through her laughs.

"I think I'm sticking with 'truths' from now on." He panted.

"Oh my gosh. My stomach hurts." she bursts. He laughed along with her.

"Okay okay, your turn. Truth or dare, Ms. Quentin?"

"Truth, defiantly truth."

"Hmmmm." he hummed, thoughtfully tapping his chin. "I've got nothing." he threw his hands up. "I can't concentrate with you cackling next to me!" he laughs.

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