Chapter 9

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now that that's over I will say that this chapter has more romance going one between RJ and Rose, so I'm so excited to write this chapter! I really hope you guys are liking this and I know it's a slow start and all but bear with me! First time author here

Thanks again everyone I really appreciate all of you guys reading!




"Fluorescent Adolescents"

- Artic Monkeys

What am I doing?

RJ growled at himself. Why am I hanging outside her apartment like a stalker. He thought while he sat in his car outside, pondering whether he should honk the horn and drive her to the game or pull out and drive to the game by himself.

The first option was so tempting, the second was reasonable.

He beeped the horn.

Not a minute later, Rose came running from the door, making RJ smile. She looked beautiful in the morning, he thought to himself.

It didn't take too long for them to reach the field. They sat through the drive in silence. After RJ's comment about her uniform she seemed to squirm under his gaze a bit.

He didn't want her to be uncomfortable around him. He wanted her to relax.

RJ pulled up to the field, and parked. As Rose climbed out of the car, he couldn't keep his gaze off of her. There was nothing he wanted more than to run his fingers through her silky brown hair, he wanted to kiss that small birth mark below her right eye.

He wanted her.

The realization hit him like a tidal wave, and flooded his senses that he nearly forgot to get out of the car, until Rose gave him a crossed look.

"RJ? You okay?" she asked.

She said his name. Oh god. His blood was rushing through his body like fire, every sense he had was heightened and dulled at the same time. He nodded jerkily and climbed out. They made their way to the locker room across the field, RJ making sure there was a respectful amount of distance between them. Why was the locker room on the other side of the field? He was barely keeping control, he had never had to.

If he wanted something he would go out and get it. But Rose wasn't a conquest, she was an angel. He clenched his hands so right his knuckles turned the color of snow, as he stared at his feet. His whole body was tense and locked, fearing he would say or do something he would later regret.


He gaze snapped up from the ground. "Hm?"

She gave a small smile and gestured with her bag in hand towards the offices next to the locker room. "Coach usually waits in his office before we start."

He looked at the door, then back at her. Then his gaze slid to the locker room.

Was anyone in there?

He wanted to nearly shove her in and ask if what he was feeling was one sided.

He wanted to convince her it wasn't.

He wanted to push up against the wall and kiss her passionately.

He wanted to kiss that damn taunting birthmark below her eye.

When he finally met her chocolate orbs, he just stared. She furrowed her brow. He took a step towards her, her eyes widened, but she didn't step back

He hesitated

Then he took another, and arched his head towards her. He licked his lips, never breaking her stare. Her eyes flicked to his mouth and swarm of heat flushed over his body.

"Hey Coach!" piped a rushed and intent voice. Megan Raleigh, team captain, ran towards them, carrying her soccer bag dressed in her uniform.

Rose stepped back, and RJ instantly missed the close proximity that they had. A blush creeped up her neck, and RJ twitched at impulse to graze his teeth on it.

"Hey Megan." Rose smiled, and Megan grabbed her arm.

"Rose can I talk to you?" she asked impatiently, stealing a glare towards RJ. Rose frowned. Before she could answer Megan had pulled her into the locker room leaving RJ standing there thinking to himself.

What would had really happened if Megan didn't show up?


"Don't." Megan said promptly.

Her gaze was serious, her face a hard mask. Rose stared at her. "'Don't' what?"

"Do you think I'm blind? I saw what he was trying to do." she said as she sat down on one of the benches in the locker room. Rose still stood, looking down at her.

"Iー I don't know what he would have done." she answer truthfully.

Megan gave an impatient sigh. "You seriously do not want to get mixed up with him. He's a player." Bile rose up in Rose's throat. Her face burned bright red with anger.

She scoffed. "And the guys you hook up with aren't?" she spat sarcastically. "Because that's rich coming from you."

Megan's face contorted slightly, turning a shade of pink. "Hey, I know whether to expect a call from a guy or not when I hook up. I know the difference. Your innocent, and I'm not saying this because I wanna 'feel up' Coach Pruitt, I'm saying this because I know you don't know how guys like him work. I'm trying to save you from the heartache he may or may not cause." she finished her blonde hair starting slightly from her usual bun on the the top of her head.

Rose's body relaxed slightly. She sighed. "I'm sorry I snapped. I just . . . "

she trailed.

Meagan smiled sadly. "It's fine, I know I'm not the nicest girl you've ever met." she said as Rose sat down next to her. She sighed deeply.

"I'm just not used to being in this position." she said after a long silence.

"Do you like him?" Megan asked.



The words were spinning in her head. Did she? No, that's wrong. He probably wasn't even leaning in to kiss her. He had never made a move and neither had she. She was attracted to him, like almost every girl who ever saw him. Rose was plain, ordinary.

Megan clicked her tongue. "You don't know." she stated.

Rose nodded.

Megan clapped her hand on Rose's. "Just remember, if you go through with it, and get caught: he could lose his job and you could lose your scholarship." Megan stood and walked towards the doors.

"Hey Meg." Rose called. Megan spun around. Rose smiled softly. "Thank you . . . for the advice. And warning."

Megan returned the smile. "Any time."

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