1/5: Game Over Yan Yan!

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"FINALLY!!" An ecstatic voice of a girl resounded in one of the residential houses in Z City. "x99 Almighty Elixers... Completed~ Now I can last in Nightmare Mode. Time to explore every nook and cranny of Glacier Gloom (GG) Dungeon!!"

"Oh no you don't, young lady!" Nagged Yuyan's mother whose right hand held a spatula still sizzling with steam. Her pretty face laced with a frown that never seemed to leave, especially when looking at her youngest daughter, the crazy gamer Yuyan!

Yuyan whipped her disheveled head, revealing a face with terrible pallor and crooked pair of eyeglasses atop her straight nose bridge. When she realized her mother was once again gonna nag her for skipping sleep, she immediately ran to the bathroom and banged it close. 

"Mom!! I'm in the shower. IN THE SHOWER." She turned on the shower head, splashing herself with cold streams of water. The freezing water in the morning was much preferable for her compared to having her ears fall off from her mother's irritated voice.

She couldn't help it! The newly released game from Elle Electronics Games was very addicting with its fascinating Life Skills system. It included Cooking, Alchemy, Farming and even Sailing in the game~!

While thinking of the game once again, Yuyan heard a knock on her bathroom door and she knew it was her mother wanting to say something. "Yes, Mom~? Did you want to join me? But I'm sorry! My booty's too good to show people. You might kill me from envy!"

Yuyan's mother mentally rolled her eyes. She was already used to her daughter's nonsense. "Once you are done, buy me a bottle of soy sauce." She left before Yuyan could respond at all.

"Soy Sauce! Always Soy Sauce! Mom!! If you add a little bit of Sparkling Powder and Enchanted Spirit Leaves, you can make a Speed Potion!!"

Yuyan's mother could still hear her daughter's silly advice, she muttered to herself. "... Where on Earth would I find those two...? How did I give birth to such a silly child..." All she could do was release an exasperated sigh. Although admittedly, she still loves her daughter. She gave birth to such a worm after all. Her child is still her child, no matter what form.

• • • • •

It was a Saturday in the middle of Summer Vacation. This was the first time in a long while since Yuyan got out of her sanctuary. She felt overwhelmed by the dizzying shine of the sun, the serene music of the twittering of the birds coupled by the rustles of the leaves, and the bustle of people!

This was the outside world, but Yuyan's mind most often than not returns to her game. Hence, as she leisurely walked along the pavement, she muttered strange audible sounds. One would think she was cursing the people wearing business suits around her.

"...200 Frozen Heart... 500 Ice Tendrils... GG dungeon..." From time to time, she would unconsciously slurp the drool dripping from her mouth.

When suddenly, she heard sharp gasps all around her, so Yuyan refocused and was struck dumb in fright!

Opposite her, kindergarten children were walking in two lines. It was a cute sight if no one considers the oncoming pair of bicyclist who were both busy jabbing at one another happily.

With Yuyan's mind still in a slight dazed from lack of sleep, she hastily moved to saved the innocent lambs who were just a few feet away from her. And without much thought, she removed her shoes and threw them squarely on the bicyclists' faces.

However, it only made them more frantic upon realizing who they were about to crash into. Yuyan gritted her teeth and dashed like a headless chicken, and with as much strength she could muster, she shoved both bicyclist in time before they crashed against the children.

Yuyan rolled over from the force, and when she was about to steady herself, she heard loud hollers and the annoying honking of a bus. 

Yuyan was hit squarely by the speeding tour bus and propelled herself into the air, somersaulted once before finally landing limply on the main road.

Before darkness ate away her consciousness, Yuyan was able to muster her last strength to say, "...Mom... Your Speed Potion.........."

Darkness descends—

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