5/5: End Game Yan Yan

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The day finally came when Yuyan and Zhi Zhou arrived the ancient city of Tunmo. The little demon guided them diligently thanks to Yuyan's tonics.

Not for long, they saw the small council of old demons talking about philosophy. They were questioning one another what each of them thought of the meaning of life. As they were going around in circles, Zhi Zhou had also inspected the whole city in circles.

By Zhi Zhou's command, the soldiers surrounded the whole city, while the hidden guards followed closely behind Yuyan and Zhi Zhou. The latter was no longer in his disguised appearance, ever since they left Yunmo.

Yuyan chugged down a tonic all of the sudden under Zhi Zhou's watch. He looked at her curiously when all of the sudden, he saw her pull him to her soft lips. Then he instinctively opened his mouth, and when he did, the taste of something familiar awash his mouth. Yuyan kissed him deeper, making him drink all of the tonic, but a few drip still escaped their locked mouth.

Just as Yuyan let go of the breathless Zhi Zhou, she licked the line of escaped tonic by his lips. Zhi Zhou felt himself aroused, but he knew better than give in to his urges. He looked at Yuyan, feeling slightly aggrieved, but he could only see a beautiful smile on her face.

Then he heard her say, "You go beat them all up, Darling."

He lifted up his hand and could not see anything. So the tonic was for invisibility. He gave a nod despite not being seen, and before he turned to left, he gave Yuyan a craving kiss, then immediately let go just as she begun wanting for more.

As he was leaving, he could already imagine Yuyan resisting herself from chasing after him. And he was indeed right as Yuyan bit her lower lip, while holding both of her arms tightly. She was feeling slightly frustrated.

Fortunately, it did not take long for Zhi Zhun to bring down the old demon geezers. When he gave the signal, Yuyan skipped to his side and brought out a clear liquid potion.

Zhi Zhu eyed the clear serum with a raised brow, but as soon as he saw its effects, he gulped a mouthful of saliva. The soldiers and hidden guards had an even worse expression as they watched their adorable princess dissolve one body after another like she was just concocting another potion.

Yuyan only wanted all traces that would separate her from Zhi Zhou to disappear, so of course she'd come prepared! She worked fast and in less than half an hour, there were no more of old demons.

"How about the little demon, Love?" Zhi Zhu gently asked, after noticing Yuyan not doing anything to the little demon. It's not that he cared, but he didn't like the thought of Yuyan giving the little demon a special treatment.

Yuyan smiled at him mischievously while grabbing the scruff of the little demon's clothes. "Sweetheart, you remember I mentioned a potion that can change one's memory?"

"I see now, but even if it works, I'll kill him anyways." He said with finality.

Yuyan only drew herself closer to him and pecked his lips that were pouting. Then she took out the memory defrag potion, chugging it down into the little demon's throat.

The soldiers at the distance were watching the possessive couple, and they could only shake their head at their silly antics. What was the point of getting jealous at a little imp? When both of their eyes were already glued to one another!

In a moment, the little demon fluttered his eyelids in a daze. ". . ." His mouth hang open.

Yuyang begun to say solemnly, "Your name is Hit, while your surname is Me. What is your full name?"

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