An solid hour must have passed since you first seated yourself into the uncomfortably firm seat in the waiting area of the hospital outside in the waiting area where the blonde-haired boy and his accomplice reside.
Who is that guy?
No no no impossible, right?
Eh, I'll figure out later-
The metallic doors slide open as it reveals the kaneki standing there his eyebrows creased and his eyes looking for and answer from A nervous sweat drop forms your forehead before you break eye contact with the male in front of you.
"Does he remember you?"
You ask the waver in your voice very evident at this point. Silence fills the space before a sigh is released, from kaneki this time around.
"A refresher should help him remember since he knew my name when I walked in."
He comments leaving you absolutely dazed and confused, How does he remember him but not you?
You say quietly, releasing a airy sigh stemming from an emotion you couldn't quite decipher at that moment. The black haired male gazes at you concerned but brushes it off before starting to walk away. Your e/c colored orbs start to water but you quickly stop yourself.
"What do I do now?"
You question casting aside the emotion that resides inside of you as you lightly push open the doors.
A/n: uhhh i'm sorry I keep cliffhanging you guys this chapter feels rlly short too I have writers block right now lol.
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FanficAmnesia °° a partial or total loss of memories°° "New memories?" 💐💐💐💐 "He doesn't even know who I am"