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Me and Jungkook went inside of the tree house and I said "hey Jungkook why do you always refuse to do the things your family wants you to do?". He said "because I don't want to be like them because there company is literally killing people and that's them I don't want to kill people I want to do something that I enjoy doing".  "So its true your just like me then" I said that then he said " I didn't know that but I guess were lucky to have met then" I said " yeah I guess so". Then he told me "hey its getting late you should start heading home then". "Hold on you want my number?" I said. He said " Yeah " then we exchanged numbers then he decided to walk me home then we said bye to each other.


After we said bye to each other I was walking back to my tree house when I heard Jennie scream. Then I started running faster then I ever did and when I got there I saw Jennie her brother and her friend outside with Jennies parents they were beating her so badly that she started to bleed. I quickly ran over there and beat the living hell out her dad and for her mom I just gave her a death look and she ran. Then I ran over to Jennie and I started carrying her over to my tree house.

When I got there I placed her on my bed and started treating to her wounds. When I was done she thanked me and she was in so much pain that she broke down crying. I comforted her by hugging her and saying "its alright I'm here now you don't have to worry I'm here now they wont touch you again and if they do I will make them pay".

When she stopped crying she told me "that was the first time my parents hit me". I said "I know I know but do you feel comfortable going home or do you want to stay here with me?" Jennie said "can I stay here with you I don't want to go back home " I said "of course you can stay you know what stay as long as you want".



 Its Monday morning and I'm getting ready for school but I'm really nervous about me not being around him though. "Hey Jennie you there hello" Jungkook said. "Oh yeah I'm here sorry I was just thinking if my parents try to get me from school" I said and he told me "don't worry they wont because I am in most of your classes". when he said that I felt much safer.

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