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We arrived at the school Lisa ran up to me and asked "were have you been i have been worried sick about you" then she saw Jungkook behind me and that answered her question. "Hey Jungkook come lets go class is gonna start soon" I said and then he said" oh okay.


When we got to class we took our seats and during 30 minutes into class Jennies dad runs into the class room and starts hitting her I just got out of my seat grabbed by his neck and threw him into the front of the class room then he got up and started charging at me and then I got hit by him it didn't hurt but then I tackled him onto the floor and beat him up right there when he gave up on trying to beat me up I grabbed Jennie then we left the class room. She said "thanks Jungkook I really feel safe around you" then she walked up to me and gave me a hug then I hugged her back.

Jennie asked me "does were my dad hit you hurt?" "a little " I said then I took of my shirt so she can see were he hit me.

Jennie asked me "does were my dad hit you hurt?" "a little " I said then I took of my shirt so she can see were he hit me

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When he took of his shirt to show me I was blushing very hard because of his abs. I said "my dad gave you a small little mark". "Okay  but we should get back to class" he said and i said "yeah we should". When we went back into the class room all the girls ran to Jungkook and started saying your brave your so cool and other things but i could tell he was ignoring them. Then I went back to my seat as well as Jungkook and the bell rang to go to second period.


Its lunch right now and I'm walking over to the lunch line with Jungkook we got our food and left the cafeteria. Then when we were walking down the hall Jungkook stopped and looked at a poster that said talent show. Then he wrote his name on the spot for the contestants and we continued walking to our final class of the day. 


I said "Jennie after school when we get home I'm going to be practicing for the talent show in the practice room". Jennie said "okay while you do that I will go buy us some food and do homework".


We got home and I went into the practice room and started practicing. 


After I was done practicing I went to Jennie and she was done with her home work and now she was making food. "Hey Jennie do you think I can win the talent show?" i said. She said " yeah I know you are going to win I'm positive". Then she said "the food is ready" and we ate and then we went to bed.

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