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I told Jennie which one was my car and she drove me and my brother to the hospital while on the way to the hospital me and brother kept hugging each other because my father tied him up because he wouldn't kill someone for him.

When we were walking into the hospital I passed out due to lack of blood. While I was in surgery my brother went to the cafeteria to eat some thing. While Jennie was waiting in the waiting room for me to come out of surgery. When I was out of surgery I was released from the hospital I had to get used to using crunches. Since I broke my leg and there was no way I was going to get released with out them.

I said " Jennie it finally over I can now actually say words I have wanted to say for a long time now". Then she said "what words?" I said "I'm now free and able to live my life the way I want to without being told to kill some one or being treated like trash".

Time skip


It has been a week since the day Jungkook said those words it made me feel good to know that the boy I have fallen deeply in love with is now able to control what happens in his own life with out being hurt or having to be starved. Jungkook walked over to me and said "Jennie I know we haven't known each other for long but I want to tell you that I love you and I want to be with you for as long as I live so will you go out with me?". When he said that I was speech less but then I said "yes I would love you and I also want you to know that no matter what happens we will get through this together".

The next day

I woke up and went to the practice room and when I went there I saw Jungkook practicing and he was really good.

"Wow kookie your really good at dancing I mean damn boy you really know how to move".

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