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After the show me and Jennie went home and we both changed then we went to go sing karaoke. I let Jennie go first.

Then i went

Then me and Jennie decied that it was a draw.  Then we went back home and we ate and went to bed.


I think I have fallen for Jungkook I mean look at him he is like a knight in shining armor. Like he can sing, dance, rap and he is strong and smart. He is like the perfect man a girl could wish for.

I cant sleep so I go out for a walk and to clear my mind. When I'm out walking I see Jungkook in the distance on his hands and knees in the rain shirtless and screaming on the top of his lungs. I hear him screaming saying "why it always like this my parents call me when they want me to do something for them when I dont want to then the send there men to find me and then I say no to what they want me to do then they beat me almost to my death and put me on the street why cant I have some one to run to during my troubles and actually have someone who could help me get through this why am i the only one in my family that has go through this pain." 

When he said that last part I quickly ran to him to comfort when I reached him he was in tears and when i looked at the floor i saw his phone with a text message tat said you have to kill your first period teacher. But suddenly he when from crying softly to balling his eyes out and all I could do was tell him to "do what your hart tells you to do" then he looked up at me and kissed me his lips were soft and all I could do is kiss him back the we broke apart to get some air the he said "your right I shoulden't have to go through this much trouble thinking if I should do t or not".


After I told her that I took off my shirt so she could put it over head and I left to my parents house and she followed me when I rang the door bell my mom anwsered and she said "what are you doing her you dont belong here you are a descrace to this family leave here now" then she tried to close the door but I put my foot in the way then I pushed the door open and I went inside. Then I went to my dads office I didn't even knock like I usally do insted I kicked the door open to brake the lock and I untied my older brother and then told Jennie to help him stand. Then I went to my dad and he grabbed his gun and shot me three times in the leg but that didn't stop me I fell and got back up and continued to go to him and then I grabbed the gun out of his hand and threw it into the fire place. Then I grabbed my dad by his coller and I grabbed the knife out his pocket and also threw it into the fire place then I threw him into the door which broke open and he got back up  and the last thing I did was punch him with full force in the face which knocked him out then I went to my room. To grab all my things which was clothes money car keys shoes and the pictures of me and my older brother. Then I went to my brothers room and I did the same except for the car keys cus he dosent have a car.

Then I went to the safe that I put all my familys money in which is in my room and took all the money. Then me, Jennie and my brother Namjoon and left. 

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