Chapter 7

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Preview: Minamiya with his friends came to beach which they decided to spend their summer vacation.. but, as they met Riki in the same beach. HE then declares a war against him thinking he was betrayed by his most trusted friend, along with his buddies the Riki squad.. together they plan in spicing up Minamiya's summer vacation. Will it be for good or for evil?.. Meanwhile..

Chapter VII: Dreadful Knight..  

        The sun seems to be fine as they lay around the shore, Katagiri wearing her floral pink bikini deploys up an umbrella as her shelter while Minamiya sitting beside her enjoying sea waves as it hits the sand and reminiscing about his previous battles when suddenly.. rugby player disrupts the mood while running on the shore doing some football routine and an angry mob chasing a suspected pedophile.. 

Me: Man, this is one weird beach.... "Dull, and not amazed"..

        Suddenly Milth and Aura came in the scene.. Aura is wearing an lush orange bikini with a floaty around her waste, while Milth is wearing her elegant purple bikini they bought along their way to the beach.. people around them are sticking their eyes with fascination..

Milth: I have to idea human's wear these vulgar tiny clothes.. "With disgust"..

Me: But then you wore it so quit complainin'.. 

Milth: "Stares, annoyed"..

Me: Tch..!

        While everyone presently having their time.. a sneaky eye is wathing by far plotting an evil scheme.. 

Riki: You didn't just tarnish our friendship, but brought up these gorgeous ladies without me intentionally..?! Grrrr...! "While crying in despair then rage in a distant"..

        Eventually Minamiya sneezed as he thought that someone might acknowledged him.. 

Me: Achooo..! Man, who could it be this time..  "Mumbling"..

Katagiri: Bless you.. "Smiling"

Me: Eh?.. T.. thanks.. hehe.. he..

Milth: Disgusting..!

Me: Ya sayin' something..?! "Annoyed"

Milth: Oh, are you offended? sorry....

Me: Ehhh?.. "Actually offended"..

        Aura offered some drinks to everyone trying to cool down situation without words being uttered.. everyone then grabbed their drinks. Eventually, a mysterious weirdo eavesdropping wearing leather coat and asking for some direction but actually his main goal is to spy, but then..

Me: Rikki? What's with the get up..?

Rikki: Ehem.. who's that?.. "In an alto tone of voice"

Me: Ehhhh..?!

        Minamiya took a closer view while Riki is trying his best to hide his identity, then tends to walk away but tripped and almost groped Aura's chest but a swift kick from Milth in the face changed his course and sent him rolling meters away exposing Riki's true identity..

Milth: Insolent pervert..! "Much disgusted".. 

Me: Rikki I never meant t--

Rikki: That's it Minamiya..! we're not bros anymore..! huhuhu..! "Running, crying like a damsel away from him"..

Me: Riiii.. ki.. Wa.. iit! "In slow motion"..

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