Chapter 10

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Preview: Minamiya was surprised to see Katagiri turned into a Ecrian and stabbed him.. Kei then unleashes and overwhelming blood red force that strucks Katagiri and as the smoke's being lifted exposes a scarlet colored Ecrian with pair of scarlet colored  crystal  wings and exo-skeleton.. and in the middle of their situation Minamiya it a distant watching as they battle, anxious that Katagiri might get killed he asked for any help and heard a mysterious voice.. Meanwhile..

 Chapter X: Sudden death..

        Minamiya heard a mysterious voice that provokes him to bear more power and as he accepts it he then saw a glimmering bluish light that suddenly shows him an apparition of undwelled memories.. immobilized Minamiya yet unfit to fight as the battle between Kei and Katagiri continues..

Kei: Such annoying Ecrian.. "Stares with irritated expression"..

Ecrian: Greetings! I am Hysginusvelvitrum offer me your essense already Runarian, or wish for your destruction..! "In a beastlike voice".. 

        As Kei prepares for his next attack the Ecrian releases a series of homing scarlet crystal blades and intends to hit him.. Kei then emits a wave of blood-red force and effortlessly breaks all the crystals.. the Ecrian pesistently barraging Kei with it's scarlet crystals.. seemingly un-affected by the Ecrian's assault, Kei starts to raise his Bardiche trying to summon an energy storm.. 

Kei: Vanquish.... 

        Kei's weapon glows blood-red, dark clouds started to encircle on the same spot above Katagiri..

Ecrian: Nghhhh..! "Looking above it"..

Kei: Abyssal judgement..!  

        An overwhelming dragon like blood-red lightning fell from the dark cloud formation and devoured Katagiri.. shattered her scarlet crystal wings and breaks her armor leaving it's vulnerable human form.. and as it insisted to stand up, Kei prepares for his next blow..  the cloud started to encircle again on top of Katagiri as Kei speaks his incantation.. 

Kei: Vanquish.... 

        The same blood red thunder erupts and as it almost strucks Katagiri a mysterious bright blue light quickly dashes towards the same spot as Katagiri..  surprisingly catches the lightning with it's bear hands and depleted the massive amount of energy..

Kei: Hmmmmf....! "With a bothered expression"..

        The energy surge began to vanish as the culprit that turns out to Minamiya staring at Kei with his glowing bluish eyes and a tattered shirt exposing Azure's insignia that took Kei's attention..

Kei: T.. those eyes.. that mark.. could it be..? "Surprised look"..

        And in split second Minamiya vanished and instantly appeared in-front of him as he punches him with a fist made from compressed red energy out of Kei's recent attack.. few moments later Milth, Tsubame and Reiri arrived checking their situation.. they then saw Kei lying in the ground and Minamiya standing before him..

Milth: Azure.... "Concerned expression"..

Tsubame: Oh, wow..! way to go brother! "Excited expression"..

        But then upon recieving a fatal wound, blood begins to drain that consumes his stamina and fainted.. concern Milth came rushing towards Minamiya's location anxiously checking upon him.. Kei then started to rise as he still thought of carrying out his mission and accusing Milth by his chary impression.. 

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