Chapter 15

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Preview: Minamiya and others successfully entered the competition for the 6th warriors throne.. they conducted training with Satoru to unleash their 2nd resolve believed to be an extent of their power.. apparently Ume as part of their 4th member became weary of the team causing her to loose appetite in competing for battles.. Minamiya and others tried to convey her unfortunately her personality contradicts their concerns, MIlth acted to compromise her feelings and filled the emptiness of her heart with the truth her big sister's long kept from her.. now The Shining Order is completed and ready to face the arena.. Meanwhile..

Chapter XV: Decisive battle.. 

        The battle between Minamiya's Shining Order and Kenji's Unmarked Territory has begun as participant in Block 4 faced each other with an immense intention to win.. Minamiya made his 1st move by recklessly thrusting directly to the enemy's location..

Milth: What are you doing Azure..?!  "In her weapon form"..

Takumi: Master.... 

        Takumi supported him by approaching their leader Kenji with a ball of energy, unfortunately as knight class Kenji easily dodged their attacks jumping above them, while Toshio their conjurer class catched Takumi's attack and reflected it back to him.. luckily Ume was there to block the ball of energy.. Ume's weapon Bopu-chan transformed into white armor and a pair of shield and poleaxe..

Me: Man they're tough.. 

Milth: Don't act on your own idiot..! 

Satoru: "Observing enemy"..

Ume: I'll try to take their attention.. "Telling Satoru"..

Satoru: "Nods"..

        Ume dashes forward trying to exploit enemy's weakness.. when suddenly Kenji unexpectedly unleashes a huge amount of energy towards Ume's direction with his Falchion sword.. and while Ume is being restraint.. Toshio began to approach Takumi as one the most vulnerable player inside the arena.. 

Takumi: Hmpf.... "Alerted"..

Me: Takumi..! 

        When suddenly Satoru decided to defend Takumi blocking Toshio's Sai with his pair Katana..

Satoru: Are you okay kid? looks like your face is turning pale.... 

Takumi: S.. Satoru-sensei.. 

Me: Alright.. time for me to move..! "Running towards Ume"..

        Minamiya formed a compressed blue energy in his Mithril sword apparently his objective were ceased by Taro another knight class.. 

Me: Tch..! "Frustrated"..

        Ume is still struggling in blocking series of energy surges Kenji is throwing, leaving her separated from her team.. Takumi thought of summoning a Cerberus like 2 tailed beast inside the battle arena..

Takumi: Come forth.. Eiruz..!

        Kenji as well as his teammates began to withdraw not aware that, while everyone is getting occupied not aware that Suzu a crusader type is charging a massive amount of energy over her Mace the whole time.. everyone is surprised until it's too late Suzu released the massive amount of energy directly to Minamiya and the others..

Chorus: Nggh... "Surprised"..

        A bright while light came out of nowhere and blocks the massive amount of energy.. it shuns throughout  the arena seeing Ume did the defensive Minamiya thought of doing something and remember's what Satoru taught him..

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