Chapter 13

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Preview: MInamiya and Milth went in the Runarian collosseum to register in the up-coming tournament.. Minamiya noticed citizens gatheting and spectating a duel between two Zheldf.. as he tries to check it he discovers that it's a fight between a Mage and a Crusader.. Takumi a mage became Minamiya's friend and joined his team they searched for another warrior and rendezvous in an old mansion guarded by a mysterious man. Filled with mysterious history, will he become the 3rd member? 3 more days before the battle starts.. Meanwhile..

Chapter XIII: Lone Wolf..

        Satoru an old warrior together with his weapon Takeo living inside an old mansion.. Minamiya discover's that his weapon fears in leaving the mansion.. he destoys the line that's preventing him in leaving.. Satoru is now about to respond in Minamiya's call what will be his answer..

Satoru: What a troublesome brat..! Sigh~

Me: Hehe.. so are you ready be part of my team old man..? "Provoking expression"..

Satoru: Well then.... "Stepping outside"..

Me: So you decided to finally come out huh..?  

        But as he gets nearer Satoru punched him in the face and knocks him down..

Takumi: M.. master..! "Concerned expression"..

Me: Oww..! what's that for old man..?! "Surprised, Mad"..

Sarotu: That's for ruining my mansion and scaring Takeo.. "Glaring down at him"..

Me: Hah..! so what can you do about it..? you can't even convey your weapon to come-out.. you're just letting it grow senile in a place you call shelter.. "Yelling"..

Satoru: I may not be a good master to my weapon.. but how can a brat like you know understand anything about me?

Me: Wh-- 

Satoru:  Can you guarantee victory..? are you prepared to lose someone dear to you..?  cause if you don't, there's no place for you inside the battlefield so give up now..! "Serious"..

        Minamiya remembered his 1st encounter with Kei where he stays idle in the midst of battle trembling in fear, hearing the same depriving thought ..

Me: "Speechless"..

Takumi: Master.... "Sat down beside Minamiya trying to assist him"..

Satoru: Bring your friend back to where you came from and do not ever bother me again..! "Turned his back leaving"..

Me: Oii.. old man I'm not done with you yet..! "Bowed down smiling"..

Satoru: "Glimpsed at him"..

Me: I was actually told the same thing.. I admitted all my weaknesses and I can't afford to see important people around me suffer.. "Standing up"..

Satoru: Hmpf! 

Me: But, no one can cover for my frailty.. no one, except me.. I may be weak and for the fact that I can't  still stand by my own, proves that it's impossible for me  protect anyone.. "Feeling down"..

Satoru: "Paying attention"..

Me: And until then in my path in becoming stronger.. I am begging you to please join us and help me achieve it..!  "Serious"..

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