Chapter 1 // First Day with Zombies

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     I woke up, groggy with all my long green hair in my face. I sighed, turning of my alarm clock an took a shower. Once my hair was dry, I pinned it up and put on my long brown curley wig. I wish I didn't have to wear a wig and hopefully by then end of the year I won't have to. I spent almost an hour doing my makeup, mostly because it takes forever to cover up the red around my eyes, another side effect of being half zombie. I only had about 20 minutes before I had to leave so I put on my light pink jeans with rips, my light pink top with  open shoulders, and can you guess what color my shoes were? That's right, light pink. The color scheme in this town sucks, but to fit in I can't wear maroon or black or anything dark. I put my necklace on, it was my version of a Z band, but since I was only half zombie, I didn't need something as strong so my dad modified it to make a necklace. Finally, I put on my bracelet, apparently it was my moms, it was a stone with 2 strings to tighten it, an the stone had a red gem in it and on the back, carved into the stone was the words I love you in zombie. When I turned 10, I carved my name into the back, just in case it ever got lost, its the only thing I have left of my mom and I would die if I lost it forever.

    I walked downtime stairs to see Addison and my parents  having a moment about cheer. I grabbed a granola bar and told Addison it was time to go as I walked out the door. I was obviously taught this song and dance number because Addison forced me to do it with her. So as we sung and danced and made our way to the school, I just got more excited. Once we actually got to school, there was a gate dividing us and zombies. One zombie caught my eye, he was tall, had great hair and something bout him just seemed different. I came back to reality when Bucky and Addison pulled me with them.

" Can't let these monsters change our town cause ew" Bucky said. Ugh what an ass.

" They're just going to school like us." Addison fired back.

"Likes? People love me okay? I got jazz hands. Those freaks are nothing like us. They tried to eat our grandfather." Bucky argued.

"It was just a small bite." Addison tried to argue back.

"Cheer tryouts today after school everybody, let's go Mighty Shrimp!" Bucky ignored her and walked away, leaving Addison and I . This girl Bree came up to us and started talking but honestly all I could think about was that zombie. I wonder how all the zombie's days were going.

--------------- Cut to alarm going off -----------

Addison, Bree, and I filed into the hall slowly as Addison tried to calm Bree down, but I just walked into the zombie safe room as Addie went to go get Bree. The door sealed and I walked further into the room as I heard a rustling.

"Hello?" I asked warily.

"Hello?" A males voice answered back. I said hello again and  he spoke once again. " Why hello." his voice was cocky, and I kind of liked it.

" Don't get any ideas buster. The only thing deadlier than my high kick is my low kick." I retorted.

"Sorry this just isn't how I  was expecting my first day in this school to go." he said.

"You weren't expecting to be trapped in a zombie safe room?"

" Oh no that I expected. That happens to me all the time, its sorta my thang." I giggled at his comment and he started to move towards me. " So I'm not gonna get low kicked?" He asked.

" You're safe for now." I said, why is this person making me so happy? I don't even know him.

" Good because today's a big day for me, I'm trying out for the football team"

" Really? we're both having big days I guess. I'm being forced to try out for cheer with my half-sister but I'd rather be drawing or painting." I replied, sighing at the end. Yep, I like art, but no one else know that cause in this town its cheer or you're no one, and geesh, I wish I was no one, but my parents would never let me do that.

" Well that sucks that you can't do what you really want but cheer that's a tough gig to get"

"Yeah, but like I mentioned I don't really have a choice and I might hate it but I happen to be really good at it." I smiled, not that he could see me.

" My dad doesn't even think I'll make the team"

" What, no, sure you will? All you need is someone to cheer for your and I guess that'll be my job soon."

"Uh, I'm Zed, what's your name?" He said as his stopped right in from of me.

" I'm Zara, nice to meet you." I said once again smiling in the dark.

All clear. A voice overcame the speaker and the lights turned back on. There in front of me was Zed, but he was a zombie. I stared in awe. His green hair stood up and his eyes and smile were full of joy. I guess I was staring cause he snapped me out of it by talking.

" You're not scared that I'm a zombie?  I was expecting you to scream and punch me or something." I could tell he was super confused.

" Well no? Honestly, everyone has always tried to tell me that zombies are the worst things that could've ever happened but zombies have never done anything to me, and I find it terrible how you guys are treated, so no, besides how could I punch the cutest zombie I've ever seen" Wait did I say that out loud?

"  Yes you did" He said while blushing from my comment.

"Well I'm thoroughly embarrassed."  I said blushing harder. We sort of just stopped and smiled at each other ... until Bucky came in an ruined the moment.

" Ugh there you are" Bucky said, pulling my away from Zed. " If you ever touch my cousin again, it won't be pretty, which as you can see is off brand for me" Tracey sprayed Bucky's hand with disinfectant and continued. " To the cheer tryouts, Seabrook awaits" Bucky did his dumb snap and drug me away from Zed and to cheer tryouts.


Zed's P.O.V.

As Zara was pulled away, I sighed to myself " Progress, we're making progress." As I went to walk away I saw something shimmer on the ground. It was a bracelet. That's odd, it looked like zombie fashion but the only other person in here was Zara and those other idiots. On the back it had Zara's name but it also said I love you in zombie. Huh, that's odd, maybe she just found it or something.


Zara's P.O.V.

Addison, Bree, some other girl, and I all made the team. Currently we are in a van to god knows where for cheer initiation. Bucky stopped the van and we opened the door.

" Zombie town" I whispered to myself. Wow, this is so cool and unique.

" Every year for cheer initiation, we like to remind zombies that we don't accept freaks in this town. " Bucky says as he grabs a carton of eggs. "Egg that zombie house and your all officially one of us." This is terrible, why would anyone be that mean to people you don't even know?

"Uh, no. I'm not doing that." Bucky smiled and nodded devilishly before a zombie spoke on the other side of his window.

" You look lost." she said. Bucky abandoned Bree, Addison, and I all alone with this zombie as they screamed and sped off. Bree and Addison ran and his behind trash cans as I just took my time and walked to them, crouching down. I heard steps, and then Zed appeared from the corner, looking straight at me.

" Everything okay out here?" I assumed his Dad asked. I looked at him with guilt. " Zed? Anybody there?" his Dad persisted.

" Uh no, nobody" Tears started to well in my eyes as Zed looked at me again and went back inside. The 3 of us got up.

" Are zombies always this harassed?" Addison asked.

" Yeah, and nobody has any idea about it." I responded. With that Addison threw the eggs out and we went home. As I got ready for bed, all i could think about was the disappointment in Zed's eyes. I layed down in bed and set my alarm for tomorrow, maybe I can talk to him and explain. I hope he can forgive me.

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