Chapter 9// Cheer Championship

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Zara's P.O.V.

Waking up, I felt clear. Nothing to hide about myself and nothing to worry about. Well, except for going to school. Getting up, I take a hot shower and get dressed in a maroon shirt, black leggings, and black combat boots. I walked downstairs and no one was up yet, so I took it upon myself to make everyone breakfast. I made pancakes with bananas and 'brains' and then made bacon. As I finished setting the table, Zevon, Zed, and Zoey came down.

"What's all this?" Zevon asked.

"Well to thank you for letting me stay here, I wanted to make breakfast for you guys," I said. hoping that they would like it. They all thanked me and sat down. As we ate, I got compliments over and over until the meal was done. I was about to clean up when Zevon stopped me.

"No, you cooked, I'll clean. Now you kids get to school." Zevon said nodding to us. Zed and I grabbed our bags and left his house. As we walked to school, hand in hand, I got more nervous. What if everyone hates me? What if Addison never talks to me? Even though I won't see her anyway cause she's at the cheer championship. We got to school with Bonzo and started cleaning out our lockers. I grabbed my last notebook before shutting my locker.

"You got all of her stuff Bonzo?" Zed asked. Eliza didn't come to school to get her stuff. She was so mad at everything that happened that she refused to come to school.

"Za," Bonzo replied. He took a paper out of her locker and showed Zed and I. It was plans to ruin the Cheer Championship. We all raced to the competition and tried to find Eliza. Once we found her, she was trying to mess with the breaker.

"Hey. No,no,no, no, no. Put that away. Stop. Stop everybody stop." Zed said as bindi grabbed Eliza and held her.

"Ow! Get off of me you big lug" Eliza yelled at Bonzo.

"Eliza you can't do this" I said to her.

"What? Enjoy the cheer championship with some fellow zombies?" Eliza pretended she was up to nothing.

"Zagrobage" Bonzo said in Eliza's ear.

"Sabotage? Wow... I'm deeply offended. I would never." Eliza said acting seriously. Zed and I gave her looks until she laughed and said "okay well maybe just a little sabotage."

"Ruining the cheer championship is only going to prove their worst fears. That zombies are monsters." Zed told Eliza.

"They think that anyway. At least you had the guts to stand up for yourself." Addison said as she walked under the bleachers. "I say do it!"

"Okay you know what addison, you're not gonna change my mind-" Eliza said and stopped herself. "Wait you agree with me?" Addison nodded. "Okay I like this girl." Eliza said.
"Sabotage isn't the zombie way, it's not who we are it's not you you are" Zed said looking at Addison. " I'm not a monster, I'm a zombie and Zara's a half zombie. And Addison you're a cheerleader. You're not gonna change the world through sabotage,  you're goi to change it through cheer."
"Um okay so no sabotage?" Eliza asked.
"No sabotage Eliza, that's not who I am. That's not who we are" addison said looking at me.

"Seabrook is up next" Bree shouted to us. We all followed her and watched at Seabrook was introduced. Right away Bucky was just doing weird dances and the cheerleader left in the team were being dropped left and right. The crowd booed and booed until the audio was cut off and  Zed's little sister Zoey ran out and starting cheering. The crowd then booed her. "What is she doing" Bree asked.

"She's changing things" I answered.

"But that's not how change works. You can't just change things with just one person and a pair of Pom poms." Eliza responded.

" yeah your right it's gonna take more than just one person" Addison said. " it's gonna take all of us."

"Like they'll ever see us as normal" Eliza said back.

" that's the point. We're not normal." Zed said smiling

" and they need to see that" I said.

"Zombies celebrate their differences. So let's go out there and celebrate. Cheer championship style." Addison said

" you guys in?" Zed asked. Bonzo and I agreed.

" so this is our revolution?" Eliza asked

"Yeah. This is our revolution." I answered.

"Okay but does it have to be cheer though?" Eliza asked

"Come on" Addison said laughing. We all made our way to Bucky and the squad.

"Bucky. Things can change." Zed said.

" look change is happening Bucky and we're not going away. So you can fight us and lose or be apart of it." Eliza told him.

"I can't" Bucky said before handing me his whistle and walking off.

" guess we need a new captain" I said before looking at Zoey and then Zed smiling.

"Alright here's the plan. We're gonna let our freak flags fly." Zed said we all took our positions and dances our hearts out.

The crowd  was cold at first but through our performance they accepted us. Even Bucky joined in with us and by then end everyone was cheering. I looked at Zed and gave him the biggest hug. I couldn't have been happier. I finally felt like I belong in this town.

" who would have ever thought that a zombie and a secret half zombie cheerleader-" Zed cut me off.

" would change the world and end up together." He ended.

" Gar Gar Gaza" I said to him.
" yeah. I gar gar gaza you too." He answered we had a magical kiss and all celebrated our togetherness.

————————————————————————— the following day——————————————

The next day, everyone was invited to zombie town from Seabrook. This was a symbol of the two worlds finally coming together and everyone brought food and had fun. Addison and I even finally got Zoey her own puppy which she named Puppy. And it was at this point just looking around and seeing everyone happy and being with Zed that I knew this is how I hoped everything to be from now own.

—————————- The End —————————-

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