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I woke up by my annoying alarm. "Shut up, stupid alarm"I said half asleep. I managed to take the alarm with my eyes closed and threw it at the wall. It's probably broken now. I dragged myself off the bed and made my way to the bathroom. My outfit:

I ate my some breakfast and I checked the time

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I ate my some breakfast and I checked the time.
"OH NO! IM LATE!," I yelled.
I put down my breakfast and ran like Naruto. I ran all the way to school even though my legs felt like jelly. After a long time of running, I finally reached the school building. Luckily the didn't close the gates yet. I ran to class in full speed. I just barged in.
"KIM JISOO! Don't you have manners? Can't you knock on the door?" The teacher yelled
"Sorry, I'm late because my dog broke its leg so I had to go to the vet" I lied.
"And I had to run to school so I forgot to knock"I said.
"Ugh!" I sighed and went to my seat. Taehyung wasn't there. Then I heard these people laughing at me and they sounded familiar. I turned to the direction where it came from and I was shocked. KIM TAEHYUNG AND JEON JUNGKOOK SITTING TOGETHER, LAUGHING AT ME??? That's impossible! Why would Taehyung want to sit next to that freak? So many question were running through my head. Did Taehyung make friends with my one and only enemy? This is too much to take for me! I started to hit my head on the table because I'm so stupid to be friends with someone I didn't even know properly. Wow, I just got betrayed. After a few more bangs on my head, the bell rang and stormed out of the classroom as if I was a pabo. Wait, I am a pabo. I went to my locker and got my books and then these two idiots came near me.
"Hey Jisoo!"shouted the betrayer, Taehyung.
"Don't talk to me."
"I'm talking to you right now, what are you going to do? I know your just upset that I'm friends with your worst enemy now. He told me everything. Don't worry, we will destroy your life" he chuckled after he said that.
"Not just your life but everything" Jungkook added
"Shut up Junglebook! (Jisoo's nickname for him)"
"Having stupid nicknames for me won't do anything expect we will torture you more" Jungkook said.
"Get out of my way, I need to go!"I yelled
"Actually, we were just walking by and we saw a ugly girl named Kim Jisoo and we decided to make fun out of her" Taehyung said.
"Just shut up" I sad and walked away from them. I ran to the toilets and make sure nobody was there. I started crying. I started to talk to myself.
I started crying even more until the bell rang signalling everyone to go to their class. I quickly washed my face in water and went to class. Nothing serious happen after. My mood was so down. I went home after the bell rang. I exited the building and realised that it's raining. I didn't bring an umbrella since I didn't know it was going to rain. I walked all the way home. As soon as I reach my house I got changed and went to sleep. I wasn't in the mood to eat. Plus, who cares?


Thanks for reading! Hope you liked it! And sorry for the very long update. I'm just really lazy these days. And thanks to you guys, I hit 150+ followers! Thank you so much! You are the best and by that I actually mean it. And I am also very close to 200+ followers. Can't wait! Again thank you!🙂❤️

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