Eternal Wynter Chapter 4

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Hi everyone! Sorry for the late update, my exams are driving me crazy.

I hope you like this chapter, if you do let me know what you think. I really appreciate your comments.



The Crystal Court shimmered and glowed as it stretched for miles in front of Wynter. The storm around her blurred into a dance of white, completely mesmerising.

Her mind was clearer than it had ever been before and her magic swirled freely around her. The Crystal Heart hung heavily around her neck, but she did not mind.

A freedom she had never known settled over her and she spread her arms, welcoming the feeling. Gradually the storm died down, leaving ice and snow in its wake.

The dry, barren wasteland that used to be the fields of the cursed, had changed as much as Wynter had. She regarded the world around her with a degree of interest, wondering what she could do to make it a home.

She suddenly stumbled and fell, straight onto a pile of snow. Or rather what she thought was snow, since it yelped and scurried away from her.

As Wynter regained her bearings she noticed a pure white wolf studying her curiously.

A white wolf in the middle of what used to be the fields of the cursed. A place she had grown up knowing that only the hardest of criminals were sent here and that nothing survived for long.

She sat up and the wolf growled, seeing her as a threat. Wynter got to her feet and stared at the wolf as it growled.

Howls suddenly filled the area and a pack of wolves started to surround Wynter, all of them brown or black. The biggest one, the alpha, trotted over to the growling white wolf and growled at him.

Wynter studied them as they exchanged growls, and it was no surprise to her when they attacked each other instead of her. The other members of the pack became restless and Wynter took advantage of it.

She stretched out her hand to the closest wolf and waited for it to smell her. The wolf stared at her hand for a few seconds before he sniffed it.

She could not remember why, but animals had always trusted her as one of their own. Wynter was suddenly forced to the side and landed with a thud on the powdered snow.

The white wolf towered over her and placed his paws on her chest. She patiently waited for him to decide whether or not to end her life.

The white wolf lowered his head and brought his nose down on hers, his eyes drilling into her own like he was trying to access her soul. After a few moments he lifted his head into the air and let out a long howl...

A howl of joy.


A loud crash ripped Wynter out of her trance like state. Her body jerked awake suddenly, but her mind was muddled. She could not understand what was happening or where she was.

When her eyes finally focused on something she blinked several times to clear her blurry vision. The bed in front of her was empty, the sheets tossed away and traces of blood forming a stark contrast with the white they lay on.

"Who, who are you?"

The man's voice trembled slightly at the beginning and Wynter turned to face him.

Hayden's eyes were wild and fear swirled through his earthy orbs as clear as day. His earlier fatigue was long gone and his muscles were obviously filled with renewed energy. Although he tried to look strong, the fact that he pressed himself into a corner showed his weakness in that moment.

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