Eternal Wynter Chapter 10

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Crystal tugged at the long sleeves of her dress, clearly uncomfortable in the gown. Silver chords were woven into the strands of her hair, making the elegantly pinned bun look like a dark sky streaked with lightning. Her green eyes were lined with darkness and her lips coloured with rosy pinkness.

"Wynter, is this really necessary?" She asked. Wynter looked at Crystal and nodded.

"Indeed it is. You know him. He has been besotted since the moment he laid his greedy eyes on you. If we are to calm his anger, we need flattery to soften him. You are, unfortunately, the only form of flattery that is strong enough to calm his misplaced anger."

Crystal cringed and tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear. "I know, but must I look so," she struggled to find a word that described what she felt, "desirable? You know his temper when he does not get what he wants and you know he wants me. Why make it more-"

Wynter stepped forward and placed her index finger on Crystal's lips. She looked Crystal in the eyes and said, “Do you not trust me? That man will not lay a finger on you as long as there is life in me. He knows you do not fancy him and he knows not to harm you as long as I am with you." Wynter sighed and dropped her hand. She stared at the smudge of red on her finger and walked toward the white vanity in the corner of her chamber. "He also knows that the Court cannot stand against the entire realm of Ather. One false move and he could declare war on us. That is why you must look," she pulled out a handkerchief from an open drawer and wiped the smudge off her finger, “desirable."

Crystal scoffed. "You and I both know that you could freeze his entire army with a wave of your hand." Her voice became an octave higher as her fear finally set in. "Then there is the matter of getting his troops through a portal, which is a feat on its own, but you also know that very few people know how to successfully travel between realms, which means-"

"Crystal," Winter said softly. She turned away from the vanity and saw a girl with fear in her green eyes. "I cannot use my magic for such dark prospects, you know that." She walked slowly back to Crystal, who closed her eyes, hung her head and placed her hands on her shoulders in a protective stance.

"I know you fear him and I am truly sorry that I have to do this to you, but we need him as an ally. Even if he would never aid us in battle, his trade goods are invaluable to the Court."

Crystal opened her eyes and looked up at Wynter. "Wynter, I-" she choked on what she wanted to say and Wynter narrowed her eyes. She stepped back from Crystal and analysed the way she was standing.

"There is more, isn't there?" Wynter's eyes widened and the heart glowed red. She grabbed Crystal's hands that were still positioned on her shoulders and asked fiercely, “What have you not told me? What did he do to you?"

Crystal's eyes widened. "N, nothing my lady. I swear."

Wynter let go of Crystal's shoulders and glared out the window. The rage she was feeling was unusual. It was primal. It was protectiveness. She had not felt this way for a long time. It showed that she had a weakness, but in that moment she could care less.

"You have never called me my lady, Crystal. The only times you have ever used that title for me was when you had gotten in trouble when you were younger," she glanced at Crystal with fury, “or when you were lying to me."

Crystal swallowed audibly. She was glad Wynter's fury was not directed at her. She bit her lower lip, staining her teeth red and removing some of the colour. She had wanted to keep it a secret, but she knew that Wynter would not let the matter rest now that she knew that something had happened. Crystal turned away from Wynter, embarrassed. She removed her hands from her shoulders and interlaced her fingers with each other.

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