Chapter 2

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Everyone was sitting at their desks, the silence suffocating them more effectively than Jay and Daniel's sexual tension. Zack sat at the edge of the long row of desks, nearest to the window and farthest from the door.

Farthest from Mira.

Fuck Jace and his stupid seating plans.

Put the two sexually frustrated together so they could stare at eachother when they thought no one was looking, but separate the dating couple.

Jace wasn't even in this room! He got his own office, granted it was smaller than Vasco's, but it was still unfair that he still got to make their seating arrangements.

He concentrated on ignoring Daniel while he stared at Jay. Just type. Don't tell them to get a room. Keep calm. Unknowingly he was slamming his fingers into the keyboard and everyone just assumed he was anxious about the new case, and he was.

What did they know? Nothing.

What were they going to do? He didn't know.

How could they trace someone who they knew nothing about? He still had no idea, he wasn't on the team for his brains or computer skills.

He was on the team for being the most skilled boxerand hand-to-hand combatist in the whole of Korea, and could reload a .45 caliber faster than you could blink.

He preened at the praise his brain was supplying and allowed himself a glance at Mira.

She was sitting at her desk looking into the glow of the computer, hair falling messily from her bun, but managing to make her look ethereal. He smiled at her even though she wasn't paying attention, making him feel like Daniel watching Jay.

Getting back to work was hard when Vasco had told them to search for possible suspects before they headed to the crime scene in an hour.

Of course searching for suspects meant going through a 100,000 small-time felons, each, and if they wanted more detail they'd have to leave the computer and go through thousands of file cabinets. It was the most boring thing he had to do as a police officer.

While he contemplated why he got this boring ass job, Jay tapped on Daniel's shoulder. After catching the attention of the rest of the bored workers, Daniel spoke up,

"Hey, me and Jay are going to search the file cabinets, anyone want to come?"

Zack looked at Mira and Jiho knowingly, turning to Crystal and Zoe, expecting the same looks on their faces. However they saw Zoe nod and agree to go with them, taking the offer aswell Crystal stood up, ruining any chances Jay and Daniel had for some, uh, alone time.

Crystal shrugged as they all walked out, showing that she'd only gone along because Zoe did. Jay looked very displeased, letting the others, except for oblivious Daniel, know exactly what he'd ment to do.

When the door swung shut they all let out a collective groan.


Zoe bent down to open a file cabinet and spared a glance at Crystal. She was staring at Jay and Daniel, and looking gorgeous while doing so.

If anyone told her she had a crush or was intrested in Daniel she would nod and laugh, giving the impression that she was straight. She wasn't, but no one needed to know that.

Especially Crystal.

If anyone told her she had a crush or was intrested in Crystal, she'd splutter and ask why they thought that.

So she ignored Crystal and tried to focus on the beauty that was Daniel. She admitted he was handsome, like everyone thought, but she couldn't bring herself to fall for him. But loving a girl was as easy as tying her shoelace.

A struggle at first, but she eventually got used to it.

She hadn't realized her gaze had wandered back to Crystal until she felt her stare being returned. They held their eye contact until the sound of Daniel tripping over a file cabinet distracted them and they snapped their heads towards the sound.

It seemed as if Jay had caught Daniel midfall from the compromising position they ended up in, Daniel's head laying on Jay's rockhard chest, knees folded and ass in the air. The file cabinet had fallen over, nearly smushing Jay's foot in the process. Speaking of him he was laying flat on his back looking like he was enjoying every second of Daniel, essentially, straddling him.

Almost as soon as he'd gotten his bearings, Daniel snapped his head up, a beet red blush covering his face and ears. As he pulled his head up he unintentionally brought his butt down on Jay's crotch. The poor man under him looked like he was in both heaven and hell at the same time. Realizing his mistake or the predicament of Jay, Daniel scrambled off, apologizing, and ran out of the room.


Even though Daniel was off him, Jay layed on the floor of the file cabinet room, savoring the feeling of Daniel on him. Zoe's mouth was hanging open.

Did that really just happen?

Did their sexual tension just errupt into an even bigger problem than it originally was?

Did she ever regret coming to look through file cabinets more in her life?

The answer was yes to every single one.

Crystal looked equally as shocked, but more beautiful than Zoe. Of course this wasn't the time to admire her extremely attractive crush but Zoe gave zero fucks at the moment.

Jay finally got up, looking blissed out. Zoe chose to ignore his prominent boner. However Crystal didn't, and got right to the point,

"Well Jay, there's your jack-off material for the month, go take care of what's in your pants, Daniel's help or not. Come back when you're ready to face my many questions and thorough investigation. Or not."

After her outburst Jay looked like he was going to die of embarrassment, and Zoe almost burst out in laughter when he tried to hide his bulge with his hands as he ran out of the room.

Zoe let out a string of giggles that, unknowingly to her, Crystal found very cute and pretty.

Crystal let a smile slip past her icy demeanor, mostly directed at Zoe. She didn't need to know that though.

"Well, Zoe. Let's get to work then."

Author here, ha. Bet you didn't expect Crystal x Zoe! I didn't bother to mention it since I know, from experience, that the fandom checks who you ship with Daniel and decides to read from there. Yes to Zack x Mira as well, and possibly Vasco x Jace if I feel like it. #PoorJiho

Word Count, author's note and chapter: 1110

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 31, 2018 ⏰

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